Real Love® in Dating

Why Real Love in Dating?

  • You'll have confidence to attract the kind of partner you want.
  • You won't feel confused anymore about what to do or say on a date.
  • You won't get fooled by manipulators sucking you into a relationship you will regret.
  • NO MORE GAMES. You NEVER again have to wonder how to succeed in dating.


Sick of Relationships Always Falling Apart

Are you tired of swinging on the pendulum of "love to nothing"? Watch this short video and learn why and what you can do. No more love to nothing.

Sick of Wasting Time

Would you like to spend your time more productively–meeting people who you're likely to truly connect with? What do you really look for to find the right one? Watch this short video.

All the Good Ones are Taken

Are there any good men or women out there, or do they all seem to be taken? Have you started to give up on dating completely?

Read or listen to:

Real Love in Dating

The truth about finding the perfect partner

We need much more than another way to meet people. We need to learn how to create the loving and richly rewarding relationships we all want. In Real Love in Dating, you'll learn:

Unconditional Love

What you need most before you can be genuinely happy – Real Love.

Imitation Love

What you substitute for Real Love, and how Imitation Love destroys relationships.

Lasting Relationships

How to find the Real Love that will guarantee lasting and rewarding relationships.

Perfect Partner

How to find and become the perfect partner, build a great relationship, and keep it.

How Do You Know Our Dating Advice is for You?

Millions of us are out there looking for the “right person”—in bars, at parties, in clubs, at church, and on Internet dating sites, to name a few of the ways we look. Many of us actually succeed in finding what we’re looking for, and then we fall in love. But what happens after that?

Did you know 60% of marriages end in divorce?

60% of marriages end in divorce, and 50% of married women have indicated that, if not for finances and children, they would leave their husbands. That leaves only 20% of marriages that would even survive if the partners felt they had a reasonable choice to leave. It is my experience—and that of many other counselors—that only 1-2% of all married couples achieve relationships that are as rewarding as they had once hoped.

We need much more than another way to meet people. We need dating tips, dating and relationship advice that will help us learn how to create the loving and richly rewarding relationships we all want as we are seeking a partner or dating after a divorce. We need to understand the real cause of our fear of commitment.

  • Does dating seem like an endless, frustrating game?
  • Are you sick of meeting losers when you date?
  • Do you wonder if you'll ever meet a partner to complete your life?

Numerous studies–and your own experience, most likely–indicate that dating has become one of the most frustrating activities on earth. Everywhere you look there is deception, manipulation, game playing, and confusion. These conditions in dating have become so common that they've come to be accepted as normal, even unavoidable.

WRONG. We just don't know any better. If you follow the clear, simple principles found in the Free Report, you will experience NO MORE GAMES–which would certainly eliminate the frustration and confusion–in dating. Really. So what would dating be like for you from now on?

  • NO MORE GAMES. You won't roll your eyes and wonder what the name of the game is with this man/woman.
  • You won't feel confused any more about what to do or say with a prospective partner.
  • You'll know which qualities matter in a lasting, fulfilling relationship, and which qualities–the ones you thought were important–don't matter one bit.

Build Productive Dating Skills

Would you like to spend your time more productively meeting people who you're likely to truly connect with? What do you really look for to find the right one? 

Watch these Vlogs and transform your dating.

Take the Games out of Dating

Take the confusion out of your relationships. Real Love teaches you effective and productive relationship skills.

Read these blogs and transform your relationships.


What readers and listeners say...

January 1, 2020

5.0 out of 5 stars Such a great book!

I absolutely love this book! It is life changing! Everyone should read it! I am a happier, healthier person because I have read it and try to apply it to my life.

August 21, 2018

5.0 out of 5 stars Stop Wasting Your Time Dating WITHOUT Learning This

If you don't learn learn what an unconditionally loving partner really is, and how to be an unconditionally loving partner, you will repeat the same dysfunctional miserable relationships again and again. Who wants that? I didn't and was willing to do anything so as not to repeat. When I read this and learned what unconditional love really is and HOW to live that way, it changed my life. I read it out-loud with a friend of interest on the phone that I barely knew. We learned about unconditional love, how to tell the truth and what it means, how to find an unconditionally loving partner, and how to know if __(name)__ is or can be an unconditionally loving partner. WOW! it was amazing....we are now married and happier than either of us ever thought was possible. We had no idea that a relationship like this could exist. Don't even consider dating someone beyond 2 dates without reading this together out-loud and talking about every element; it will save you a whole bunch of time, headache, heartbreak, and misery.

Amos B
April 18, 2018

5.0 out of 5 stars Five Stars

Great book for any one looking to start a new relationship with a good foundation.

Michael M.
January 10, 2018

5.0 out of 5 stars The best book on dating EVER !

I wish I had read this 6 years ago when I got divorced.

Big Time Rush Girl
April 9, 2016

5.0 out of 5 stars Good Book

This book is very helpful

September 21, 2015

5.0 out of 5 stars Five Stars


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