
Read what others have to say about Real Love.

Real Love transformed me...

"Who knew that healing the pain of a lifetime could be FUN?! For 25 years I looked for help from therapists, self-help books, and ministers. My husband and I tried them all, and nothing changed.

But it has been Real Love that kept me sane, and now has transformed me. Iā€™ve become an unconditionally loving wife, Mom, and friend. Iā€™m HAPPY, and people can see it in me.  I could not have imagined how beautifully my husband and I could work together to create a loving, intimate, and transparent marriage.

And Greg Baer lights the fire under these principles. Heā€™s a wonderful and incredibly loving person who makes the world a better place. Certainly changed my world.

Donā€™t wait. Stop what youā€™re doing and learn about Real Love. It really is the thing you need to change your life or simply make it better in so many ways. Everything is better with unconditional love. "

Karen Prince

Atlanta, GA


Real Love answered all my questions...

"Iā€™ve been alone and suffering all my life, and I could not understand my pain. Many therapists couldnā€™t help me either. But Real Love answered all my questions, and now I not only understand my pain, my wounds are healing. I just wish every child could learn this before they grow up. Youā€™ve saved a life."


Delhi, India


I'm so grateful for the Real Love community!

"I'm so grateful for the Real Love community. As each new year approached I used to make a ton of idealistic goals and try to carry them out ON MY OWN and always failed miserably. In Japanese we call it "Mikka Bouzu", literally "3-day Buddhist priest" - where you give up quickly. Now I can be idealistic and make plans but allow myself to ask for support, to be patient with myself, to plan realistic steps toward those ideals. Yay!"

Robin T.



Itā€™s changed our marriage and our parenting...

"Years ago I read Real Love and watched a bunch of Gregā€™s videos, but I wasnā€™t ready to live what I learned. And then I picked it back up again, and my husband devoured it with me. Now I watch video chats and listen to audio books all day. The truth just rings in my ears, and itā€™s changed our marriage and our parenting. So much peace and joy. And now my friends are studying Real Love too, so Iā€™m surrounded by it everywhere I go. Thank you for writing the material that has saved my life, and thank you for dedicating your life to this gift to the world."

Martin B.

South Africa


I'm so grateful!

"I was suicidal. None of the books I read could answer my questions, but Real Love did. Iā€™m so grateful."




I'm so grateful!

"If you want more happiness in your life, check out Real Love. The principles of Real Love have helped me learn to be happier than I ever thought possible. This is one of my favorite books and the website is loaded with resources.  I'm not trying to get you to do anything, but if you happen to be looking for happiness, this worked for me."

Melanie Engram



Real Love makes me so free...

"I am grateful for RL. It makes me so free."

Leila S.

Fars, Iran


Real Love makes loving joyful!

"I love Real Love... it makes loving joyful! Thank you Greg Baer for writing Real Love, your life changing workshops and coaching. Now, if we could only get this to be a required course at schools and churches! "

Sandra S.



I'm so grateful for Real Love...

"For me, peace comes from being surrounded by Real Love. A huge part of that is getting on the website, watching the video chats, and seeing all the blogs.

No matter how often I get on it, there's always something I haven't seen yet, a new reminder of what's true, that I'm loved and never alone. 

Real Love is giving me to ability to have more and more moments where I can be present, be quiet, and live without distractions. Feels way more peaceful.

No matter how big and scary I make the details out to be, the answer is always the same, Real Love.

I can't recommend it enough. Real Love is healing my family."

Tami S.



I owe it to Real Love...

"I just had a clerk at Walmart say....I wish the whole world could be as happy as you look right now.....I owe it to Real Love."

 Jolene L.



It frees us from chains we create...

Real love is a conscious choice to love purposely and unconditionally. It frees us from chains we create ourselves. Please read this and other Real Love books. You will be glad you did."

Brenda S.



I am grateful...

"I have found peace and love beyond description and I am grateful."

Eileen D.



The whole world needs to hear this message...

"I thought I'd read everything written about love, but Real Love put me in tears. The whole world needs to hear this message."

Reverend Colleen Engle



The principles work to help individuals clarify...

" Often people confuse the Real Love principles with a person or institution. The principles work whether you are Quaker, Buddhist, Catholic, Mormon, Atheist. etc. The principles are not promises of walking on fire, having cosmic visions or never having problems in your life. The principles work to help individuals clarify their choices past and future and to move from being a victim; blaming, attacking, clinging etc. to move to choices not based on unconscious reactions but on choices based more and more on unconditional love for yourself and others."

Garth H



Itā€™s changed our whole family...

" I was on a plane for nearly twenty hours, and all I could do was read about Real Love and talk to the people sitting next to me. I worried that Iā€™d irritate them, but they loved it, and so did I. When I got home, I began living the principles Iā€™d read, and itā€™s changed our whole family."

Karen P.



This will change your life...

"This will change your life profoundly and immediately. There is nothing else like Real Love anywhere."




Your books have completely changed my life...

"Iā€™ve read a lot of books about relationships and happiness, but after reading Real Love, I put away all the other books. Your books and your messages in your video chats have completely changed my life and outlook in all areas of my life.  I appreciate this more than I can say."

Gordon T.



A Real Love success!

"My idea of what society labeled ā€œsuccessfulā€ was my goal. If I could look successful to the rest of the world, then I would be a success- therefore, happy. It wasnā€™t until I found Real Love which allowed me to find success in just being happy with who I am-

A loving guy who enjoys life, has hobbies, a dad to two amazing kids, is always learning, and cares for others. Thatā€™s meā€¦And thatā€™s a Real Love success!"

Greg W.



Feel more peaceful and have less fear in my life 

"Now I trust on a deeper level than ever before that I am loved and loveable even while making mistakes. Nothing else matters when I feel Loved. Being present, right here, right now is my practice. I feel more peaceful and have less fear in my life. I feel Loved, the unconditional Love I have been searching for my whole life."  




Amazing relationships and a lot more fun... 

"I came across the Real Love book nearly a dozen years ago and never imagined the tremendous impact it would have on myself and those I'm blessed to work with. Each day the message of truly caring about another person's happiness without any thought of what we might get in return effects my every interaction. This understanding sets the foundation for amazing relationships and a lot more fun.  Be willing to practice Real Love and you'll begin showing up for others in ways that truly opens hearts with the first one perhaps being your own.  I know it opened mine."

Doug W.



An instrumental part in my life... 

"Greg's work has been an instrumental part in my life and direction as a coach."

  Jon Lucas



Turn on the light... 

"Real Love is like nothing else out there. Donā€™t waste another minute in the dark. Learn about Real Love and turn on the light."




Makes my heart sing... 

"Real Love is amazing and makes my heart sing."

 Sharolie Jansen



Brings me peace... 

"I am grateful for the lessons I've learn through Real Love. It has cleared out my "closets," healing some old wounds, allowing room for love in bringing me peace."


 Jacquelyn Baldwin



I feel much more free... 

"My experience with real love has allowed me to grow and be happier in my life and relationships. I feel much more free and now live in choice more often and I choose to be happy and feel more loved and loving."

Daniel L.



Greg Baer is opening my eyes... 

"O...M...G.... What a book! What an author!!! I just couldn't put it down, read till 2 AM. Last few pages standing up, so my eyes wouldn't shut, just didn't want to stop. Couldn't wait for what was coming next, how exciting and full of hope and positive thinking, right up my alley! When I've finally gone to bed there was no chance for sleep, the hamster in my head would stop running, so many things are going through my mind!"

Greg Baer is opening my eyes when it comes to almost every aspect of my life! Every page has a light bulb moment or two, I wish I read it long time ago but than again I believe in everything happening the way it does for a reason, so I guess it was meant to happen right now. All of a sudden I also feel grateful for my age/ maturity, ten or twenty years ago I probably wouldn't be able to "get" a lot of it because I wouldn't be able to admit things about myself with total honesty as I can today:)

Wow, so many revelations, so many answers to questions that seemed to be rhetorical ( they weren't, I just didn't read the book yet)... How exciting, the light in the tunnel wasn't an upcoming train! There's still a chance for happiness and Love!!!?"

Marie H.



Discover Real Love's unique power... 

"Finding Real Love has quite literally transformed me, my marriage, my relationship with my children and actually - my whole life. I discovered Real Love at the lowest point of my life to date - my wife, after 23yrs of marriage, asked me to leave and together with my two children, they were all happy to see me go.

A search of the Internet found RealLove.com and the amazing work of Dr Greg Baer. My wife and I went to see him and he started working with us to repair our relationship.

Fast forward four years...we are more happily married than we ever were before we found Real Love, both our children have discovered that Real Love can help them with their life issues too and we are now helping many others discover it's unique power in the world today.

You'll be amazed what you don't know about how life really works.

Bruce O.



So many lives being transformed... 

"Dr. Greg Baer founder of Real Love, helped me change my life and healed my lifetime of emotional wounds with Real unconditional love. Since then I have witnessed so many other lives being transformed. In the last 20 years or more he has helped countless thousands of people worldwide to become emotionally free and live more peaceful and genuinely happy lives. Unconditional love is the missing element in everyone's life, we need it just as much as air, water and food."

Maleka B.



Hit a home run... 

ā€œThis man hit a home run, slammed a monster dunk, and kicked a hundred-yard field goal on the show. By popular demand, we had him back three times on the same day. Heā€™s a trip.ā€

Dave Stone

 WGST, Atlanta


Powerfully direct, but compassionate... 

ā€œDr. Baer gets right in your face, and you love it. You love him. Heā€™s powerfully direct, but compassionate. Dr. Baerā€™s appearance was one of the most popular episodes weā€™ve ever had.ā€

The Tara Black Show




ā€œIn thirty years of radio broadcasting, Iā€™ve never had a guest that touched my listeners and myself as powerfully as Greg Baer.ā€

Kevin Doran

WLEA, New York


Most unconditionally loving man... 

ā€œGreg Baer is the most unconditionally loving man on the face of the planet. Every parent needs to hear what he has to say.ā€

The Ed and Ruth Shaw Show

Talk America, nationally syndicated


He helped me see... 

ā€œYou have to see Gregā€™s humor to believe it. He helped me see how foolish Iā€™ve been all these years, and yet he did it with compassion.ā€




Amazingly simple truths... 

ā€œThese amazingly simple truths slap you right in the face!  Every once in a long while I stumble onto a guest that I needed myself.ā€

  Casey Stevens

  WHCU, New York


Exactly what they needed... 

 ā€œYou gave our listeners exactly what they needed.  We look to elevate the knowledge and thinking of our listeners, helping them successfully achieve their goals.  You did that with your expertise and knowledge.ā€


  Money Radio, Encinitas, California


Iā€™d finally found the happiness Iā€™d been looking for all my life...

"Iā€™m eighty-five years old and possibly spending my last days in prison. But several years ago a friend shared Real Love with me, and I realized that Iā€™d finally found the happiness Iā€™d been looking for all my life. Now Iā€™m sharing it with my family and others. Itā€™s been the greatest discovery of my life, the one thing that was missing. I wish I could give this to everyone."

Bill C.



Greg Baer has the KEY to relationship issues...

"Dr. Greg Baer is someone we should all have the gift of knowing and learning from. He has THE KEY, and all the answers to relationship issues that you'll ever need... because they are based in love, the most powerful, forgiving, flourishing force in the universe. Dr. Baer's approach is simple to do everyday, yet powerful. Anyone can start making a massive difference in any and all of their relationships. What you will learn will leave YOU feeling full of light, love, peace, and in more control, when you make those in your relationships feel like they are valued and loved. Dr. Baer will also teach you better ways to cope, forgive, and better maintain deep, genuine, lasting relationships - whether they are your spouse, life-love, child, friend, neighbor, co-worker. Greg teaches it all to you, and let me tell you, you'll never regret discovering the key to relationships, from Dr. Greg Baer, because he too is pure love."

Elin Marie

Bend, OR


Real Love is among few most important ever written...

"Your book is among few most important ever written, and Iā€™ve read hundreds. Until we experience being loved without condition, we are bound and determined to recreate the same mistakes. It never has been about understanding history, it is about love!"

Bill Cumming

Program Director, LearningWorks / AmeriCorps Aims High


Real Love is making a difference...

"I discovered Real Love while I was in India, where I found people talking about it all over the town I was visiting. Real Love is making a difference all over the world. Itā€™s exciting to be a part of this."


 The Kingdom of Bahrain


A level of happiness and peace I didn't know existed...

"Before Real Love came along, I was lost in a sea of mist & fog....I just didn't know it !  I had tried many other self-help groups and healing modalities that seemed to have a temporary positive effect that came and went at the speed of light.

Now I leave and breath Real Love and have now found a level of happiness and peace I didn't know existed. And there is plenty more to come. I'm understanding subtle behaviours all the time,  noticing stuff all around me and learning what love REALLY looks and feels like. I'm also interacting and learning to love people in a way that was alien to me before RL.

Feeling constantly grateful for the learning (and UN-learning) I'm currently going through, and I feel so joyous for others when I see their breakthroughs as they taste happiness for the very first time.

  Dave B.



Real Love taught me the true meaning of love...

"After being a minister for 30 years, Real Love taught me the true meaning of love."

  Rev. Leddy Hammock



Real Love is all that we're all looking for...

"I can't recommend it highly enough! Dr. Baer gets to the essence of what ails us in our personal relationships, our professional relationships, and our struggles. Real Love is all that we're all looking for...and what we are mostly withholding from others...and ourselves. It is changing the way I give myself, and creating conversations I didn't know that I didn't know I needed to have."

Dave D.



I am happier than I have ever been...

"When I first came across Real Love, I was in the worst place I'd ever been in my life - divorcing, isolated, fearful and overwhelmed. This despite many years of therapy, personal development work, spiritual practice and healing. I jumped right in and did everything I could to learn and live the Real Love principles.

A year later and I am happier than I have ever been in my entire life - calm and peaceful. I'm currently going through a very significant life challenge, but I'm still happy and calm. This for me is the power of real love, to be calm and happy through the tough times, and I am SO grateful."

Tara D.



Real Love gives us wings to soar!

"Before I found Real Love, I was depressed a lot and thought about suicide frequently. I felt alone and anxious all the time. I turned 31 and was unemployed and believed I'd never get a job. I felt like a total loser and a leper to society. I  had alienated everyone who had once been a friend and had cut off contact with my family. I was sure they were judging me for being a failure along with all my high achieving friends. Every time I heard of or saw something about one of my past friends, I went into a debilitating spiral of shame and self-hate.  I felt like a total worthless complete failure in life and pretty much hit rock bottom.

That's when I met Greg Baer and he saw me, and I felt worth the air I breathed for the first time in a long time. He was the first friend I had in a long time, but he was more than any friend I had had: he was a father and protector. I was so relieved. I had felt temporarily worthwhile when I had a boyfriend, but never anything like this. I now had someone who was really there with me to help me through every struggle in life.

I got a job, made friends, and served others.  None of it was easy as I had never learned how to live life. I was spoiled and entitled and often fought with Greg because change was so uncomfortable. I had no idea how to interact with other human beings.  

He taught me how to overcome challenges instead of withdraw from them. He taught me how to have courage and persist in manifesting my visions and solutions even if my boss, leaders, or friends were not on board with them,  or even completely opposed to them. I really learned to stop basing all my actions on the reactions of other people. This has been so liberating.

Today I can finally be the person who I've always wanted to be, not the person who is paralyzed by fear, constantly anticipating the other shoe to drop, and playing small because it's safe. I finally have the power that comes from feeling unconditionally loved.

As I keep pressing forward, I become healthier and more able to empower others who have been victimized or stuck. Real Love,  unconditional love, can truly change us and gives us wings to soar!"

Amelia N.



Amazed by Real Love...

" I woke up this morning, to this Real Love Book full of notes. My HUSBAND had found it while we were moving a few weeks ago and has been falling asleep reading it. It's been a long road for me and I'm just reflecting on it all this morning. I'm so amazed that I actually get to wake up next to a committed man who is just as amazed by Real Love as I am."




Amazed by Real Love...

" I woke up this morning, to this Real Love Book full of notes. My HUSBAND had found it while we were moving a few weeks ago and has been falling asleep reading it. It's been a long road for me and I'm just reflecting on it all this morning. I'm so amazed that I actually get to wake up next to a committed man who is just as amazed by Real Love as I am."




Real Love is THE missing piece of the puzzle...

"Real Love is THE missing piece of the puzzleā€”in life and relationships. It has changed my life foreverā€”my spiritual life, my marriage, my children. Everything is different. I feel more free. Iā€™m happier. The anger that once held me prisoner is gone. I wish everyone could experience this and turn the light on in their lives.ā€




Complete life transformation...

"Complete life transformation is what practicing Real Love has given me. After years in therapy struggling with putting myself in situations where I could be a victim. Believing everyone did things to me. Through Real Love I began learning to tell the truth about myself, to people that could hear and see me. It did not happen in a week, a month or a year but all the practice has given me a life. A life where I know, no matter what happens, I am loved. And happier than I could previous comprehend?ā€

Vicki H.



You have nothing to lose...

"Every way you can connect with Real Love, via website, newsletters, conference calls and personal calls and Facebook is a way to bring more love into your life. I can't do life alone anymore because I suck at it but with the community I have those who can see when I am blind and who can hear when I am deaf and help me get to places I'd never know I had a choice to get to without them. Check it out for yourself you have nothing to lose."

Debra W.



Real Love totally changed my life...

"Learning, practicing, and learning to live the principles outlined by Greg Baer in Real Love totally changed my life.  I was able to set aside all the fears that held me back from the life I wanted.  All aspects of my life are better than ever.  My relationships are healthy and loving beyond anything I could have imagined. "

  James P.



Do not miss this...

"Over a period of 35 years, Iā€™ve read all the books, and Iā€™ve heard all the seminar speakers. All of them. Greg Baer and Real Love are the most profound experience Iā€™ve ever heard. Do not miss this. Listen to what Iā€™m saying. Do not miss this."




I am loved now...

"I am loved now. I am at times loving now. I am safe. I am grateful. I am not alone in a crowd anymore. I thank God for the simplicity of Real Love."

  Jeff R.



I am loved now...

"With each group meeting, conference call, and real love call, I'm feeling loved. Remembering that I am loved is becoming more natural with each passing day. I'm experiencing less fear and stress and more joy and freedom to just be me. So grateful."

  Judy M.



Real Love has transformed my whole world...

"Real Love has transformed my whole world. I feel like I have finally learnt who I really am. I felt trapped in fear and a lot of pain before my journey started. My relationship with my partner has gone from dead to alive and kicking. Real Love has allowed me to spread my wings and soar with freedom and happiness that I just couldn't have even imagined before. This is SO worth it."

  Graham K.



I have felt levels of peace, joy, and acceptance...

"I have had the most amazing journey since finding Real Love. It has turned my world literally upside down. I've felt levels of peace, joy and acceptance I could never of imagined.

I've had some bumps along the road, yet they have often been the times that have shaped and guided me the most.

I have just written a new dating profile after many years of hiding.

I am working on healing my biological relationships.

I have been given a gift/gifts more precious than any money could buy.

I would be VERY happy to share further my journey with anyone who is hovering - unsure whether this journey is what it says, if its worth it - IT IS - NO DOUBT - I'm IN."

  Katy A.



My life is happier...

"I was introduced to Real Love by Greg Baer two years ago. My life is happier. the awareness that Real Love has given me with my own blind spots has freed me to live a more authentic life."

  Connie R.



My desire to learn more about God has grown...

"When I began my Real Love journey, I wondered how Real Love would fit in with my desire to put God first in my life. But Iā€™ve discovered that while spending time learning about Real Love, my desire to learn more about God has grown so much too.


Learning to increase my faith in love has caused me to increase my reliance on faith in every aspect of my life. I truly need the power of faith in my life, and I'm thankful every day that faith gives me the hope I need, however I'm feeling or where I am.


Real Love has also shown me how simple the scriptures are, and to believe in myself, and to lose so many of my fears. Thank you so much Greg, thank you Real Love."

  Ruth H.



He changed my life...

"This guy knows how to love like no other Iā€™ve encountered in my life. He has the ability to see the purest essence of each soul as he helps them to see their own worthiness. Whether itā€™s one on one or in a workshop environment, Greg has an incredible gift to give. 

He changed my life! 

His book Real Love was a workbook for the hundreds of clients that passed through our addiction counseling class and I can say with certainty that it was the most impactful tool for the turnaround point for so many. Years later I bump into clients who cling to the words and concepts brought to them through Dr. Greg Baer.

I strongly recommend that you read his book, Real Love, if you havenā€™t. Donā€™t let the title fool you. Although accurate, it doesnā€™t begin to encompass the life changing content within."

 Patty M.



Just incredible...

ā€œExcellent, excellent, excellent. On a scale from 1ā€“10, Dr. Baer is a 12! In all my years of talk radio, nobody even comes close. I rarely have guests back, and I canā€™t stop asking him to be on the air with me. Greg is the most informative and entertaining guest I have ever hadā€”just incredible!ā€

Seamus Oā€™Conolly

  KHOB, New Mexico


It would change their lives...

ā€œI wish we could put [Dr. Baer] on a big-screen television that everyone in the country could see. It would change their lives.ā€

Lou Orlando

  KVOL, Louisiana


A leader and visionary...

ā€œDr. Baer is a leader and visionary in our time. He explains relationships in a way everyone can understand. Heā€™s doing benchmark work in relationships.ā€

Al Hunkin

 Author, speaker, and radio host


He'll change your life...

ā€œDr. Baer explains, with the greatest insight, all levels and depths of every relationship. Heā€™ll change your life.ā€

Sheila B.

 Love Rocks, KTL, Houston


This man offers real solutions...

ā€œIn all the years Iā€™ve moderated discussions about race, Iā€™ve never heard an approach as positive and practical as Dr. Baerā€™s.  This man offers real solutions.ā€

Ed Buggs

 WJBO, Baton Rouge, LA


We works wonders...

ā€œWhat a tremendous guest, really terrific!  We take pride in giving our audience information they can actually use, and Dr. Baer did that.  He works wonders!ā€

Paul Gonzalez

 United Broadcast Network


Delightful man...

 ā€œWe really enjoyed talking with you today.  Delightful man, delightful book, delightful advice.  Dr. Baer is a real pro, welcome back absolutely anytime.ā€

Brandy Bell

 Producer, KKVV radio, Las Vegas, Nevada
