Real Love® in the Workplace 

Why Real Love in the Workplace? 

Ken Blanchard, best-selling author of The One Minute Manager, says: 

“Real Love is the single most powerful motivator in a leader's toolbox.” 


What will help your business prosper?

Are you wondering what Real Love has to do with business and leadership? Watch this short video.

How a leader should deal with fault and blame?

Mistakes happen. How a leader deals with those mistakes can make all the difference. Watch this short video.

How to stop employees arguing and complaining?

Learn how to effectively deal with employees who are unproductive and complaining in this short video.

What Makes a Good Leader?

EVERYWHERE you go, you see conflict between coworkers, workers and supervisors, and employees and customers—arguing, manipulating, and pushing. It has come to be accepted that the workplace has to be stressful.

WRONG. We just don’t know any better!

  • Are you or your employees feeling unappreciated and overworked ?
  • Are you feeling stressed at work?
  • How can I learn to be the kind of effective leader who understands business leadership and employee motivation?

Don't continue to hate your job because you find it stressful, meaningless, and unfulfilling, or to be in a workplace with stress, constant conflicts, mistrust, and resentment. You can learn—right now—the principles of effective leadership that will make work more productive and enjoyable.

  • NO MORE arguing with co-workers.
  • Your business will become more PROFITABLE.
  • Work becomes FUN.
  • Everyone works faster, becomes more PRODUCTIVE, and communicates better.
  • Customers WANT to purchase from you, rather than you having to push them to buy.

Eight Principles for Consistently Effective Leadership in Business

This book explains what every person in the workplace needs most, as well as what you can do to provide it.

Effective Leadership 

How to become the kind of leader people will want to follow.

Satisfied Customers

How to create customers who are not just satisfied but eager to stay with your company.

Work Environment

How to create a work environment where employees are communicative, creative, cooperative, happy, and productive.

No More Conflict

How to eliminate—not just manage, conflict in the workplace.


What they say...

Ken Blanchard|Author of the One Minute Manager

Real Love is the single most powerful motivator in a leader's toolbox.

Clear and unsentimental, this book is not about weakness or permissiveness; it’s about having a profound appreciation for who people are and what they’ve done.

This book is required reading for a profitable workplace.

Tony Hsu|senior manager, nokia academy global, shanghai, china

This is the ultimate key to business success! For many years as a retail sales and training manager, I've look for that magical motivational formula, but my search is finally over! If you want a retail staff that greets and serves with enthusiasm—if you want people who glow—Real Love in the Workplace will get you there.

detlev suderow|former senior vice president of human resources, flir systems, now adjunct professor and executive-in-residence, Brandeis University, Internation Business school

Greg Baer's Real Love in the Workplace is a valuable contribution to understanding the intense interpersonal nature of successful leadership. He clearly communicates that great managers, after all is said and done, really just care for people. I recommend this book for every manager's bookshelf who wishes to expand his or her repertoire of skills in leading people.

Michael Joseph Cortese|Senior Information Officer, The work bank group

This book has impressed me deeply. In a plain and practical way, Dr. Baer has given us what we all need to significantly improve our lives and our businesses. I've been sharing this with everyone I know.

mark aspenson|executive director, visiting angels living assistance services, scottsdale, arizona

Although I was a successful entrepreneur and alumnus of one of the country's top graduate business schools, it wasn't until I read Real Love in the Workplace that I learned what people want most. These principles have revised our policies and procedures, greatly reduced stress for everyone, and made management easy. People now admit their mistakes freely and learn from them, instead of hiding them because they're afraid of being criticized and attacked. Our entire corporate culture has changed.

Curt Coffman|Author of First Break all the rules

Dr. Baer has not only isolated the critical key to full human commitment engagement, but he has the courage to push it forward. Recognizing that human beings have essential emotional needs, we need to change how we manage all the people around us: employees, customers, and shareholders. This book provides a very deep look at how to genuinely capture and release human commitment and contribution. I really enjoyed this courageous book.

abe bakhsheshy ph.d.|professor, david eccles schol of business, university of utah 

The key points outlined in this book are practical, meaningful and beneficial to every individual who is engaged in any type of management or leadership position. I was so impressed with the easy to follow recommendations and ideas offered by the author. Needs to be required reading.

Evelyn Rice|president, rice and associates

I've been a motivational speaker and corporate consultant for more than twenty years, and I rarely find a book that I believe has practical value in the workplace, but Real Love in the Workplace has blown me away!! I was so surprised at the excellent examples of how to apply these powerful principles in ways that everyone can understand. I don't give such compliments easily, but I highly recommend that everyone read this wonderful book.

Dr. Scott C. Hammond|assistant vice president for academic affairs, utah valley University

Dr. Baer shows real courage talking openly about a subject that is taboo for many. It is a real contribution and full of heart.

P. Clint Rogers, PhD|Rollins Center for ebusiness, marriott school of management, Brigham young univeristy

With today's globalized landscape in business and education, the only way to be truly competitive is through fostering environments of innovation and collaboration. We also live in a knowledge economy where the most valuable asset of any business if the people who work. Real Love in the Workplace powerfully outlines what those people need most, and I'm confident that any leader in business or education that really applies the principles in this book will be surprised not only by how much success it yields in their bottom line, but also by how much more they enjoy the process.

February 25, 2017

All managers should read this

If all managers read this book & did what it says, most people wouldn't hate their jobs. Corporate America is overloaded with ego maniacs & control freaks & this book would make a HUGE difference to the respect & morale of employees and production would increase

David Watkinson
January 17, 2017

An alternative title could be how to actually understand what is going on in people's heads

This is the second of these books I have read. Their value is beyond measure. I found them very easy to read and understand. The real effort comes in applying the principles the book outlines. The pay off is increased happiness and far more satisfying relationships. Another major benefit is the decrease in stress. Thank you very much Greg Baer. You take care

December 23, 2014

The ONLY Leadership Book I Use!

I attended a relationship workshop with Greg and saw this book there. I love books on Leadership so I picked up a copy. I read it and then presented a book review to my team of direct reports and gave them each a copy. We talked about the concepts for FOUR full days when I had only envisioned a 2 hour discussion. Since reading the book and sharing it with my team, we have never been so productive, authentic and happy at work. It honestly changed everyone of my managers into leaders.. and not just the status quo definition of leaders.. TRUE leaders! I have read more than 50+ leadership books during my career and this ONE is the best.

James Peak
December 17, 2013

Understand Human Behavior like never before

Dr. Baer explains in a simple, yet profound, way why there is so much fear and game playing in most work environments. A must read for all - whether you are a manager or one of the staff - come to understand why people do what they do and how you can dynamically shift your workplace to be a place of enjoyment and healthy productivity.

Cory Smith
September 8, 2012

I'm not in the best place to review this right now... but give it a thumbs up, for sure.

I can't give a proper review of this book... I haven't completely read it or specifically applied any of the principles outlined in it. However, I can say that the entire "Real Love" series of products are based on the same basic principles, which are researched and proven to work... so a book on how to apply them to the workplace, I believe, is virtually guaranteed to be successful. The challenge that I am finding... and the reason why I can't really review the content of the book properly... is that the process of beginning to practice the principles feels unnatural (which is where I am currently at with it). The Real Love principles have a very good explanation for why this is and it makes perfect sense, but just because it makes sense doesn't make the process automatic or easy. That's the "Real" Truth to "Real Love"... hard work (and not necessarily the typical definition of "hard work" we are used to). This truth is a pill that must be swallowed... when you are ready for it.

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