Real Love® in Marriage

Why Real Love in Marriage?

  • NO MORE fighting. No kidding.
  • You will no longer be tempted to start an affair or even to look at another person in a sexual way.
  • NO MORE arguments about money, children, or sex.
  • You will listen to each other in a tender, intimate way you never thought possible.


Fighting all the time?

Do you and your partner argue about money? Children? Sex? Is everything a fight? Watch this short video to learn what is really going on and what you can do.

Sick of his flirting with other women?

Do you suspect your husband of being unfaithful (with another partner or pornography)? Learn the cause and the cure here.

Unable to talk without it turning into a mess?

Do even simple questions turn into trouble? This short video will help you understand what often happens and how to fix it.

How Do You Know Our Marriage Advice is for You?

What is the cause of the conflicts that are causing so much unhappiness in marriages and creating toxic relationships?

Why do men and women cheat on their partners? 

The answer should be obvious: On the whole, people don’t understand the cause of the conflicts in their marriages and how to deal with the conflict, or why they are unfaithful to their partners.

If they did, they wouldn’t continue to get divorced at such horrifying rates. They wouldn’t continue to inflict such awful pain on themselves, their partners, and their children, and they wouldn’t continue to feel so desperately confused and alone.

Did you know 60% of marriages end in divorce?

Nearly 60% of marriages in the United States end in divorce, and of the marriages that survive more than 50% say they would split up if it weren’t for issues like money or children.

Moreover, these numbers don’t reflect the fact that, increasingly, couples are choosing simply not to get married at all. They don't understand how to save a marriage and avoid divorce.

  • If you're sick of tension and fighting with your spouse,
  • If you’re tired of not being on the same page with your spouse about sex,
  • If you've decided you don't want to worry anymore about your spouse leaving,

Now you can finally do something that will transform your life and your marriage forever.

  • NO MORE fighting. No kidding.
  • NO MORE arguments about money, children, or sex.
  • You will no longer be tempted to start an affair or even to look at another person in a sexual way.
  • You will listen to each other in a tender, intimate way you never thought possible.
  • You will WANT to be with your partner EVERY DAY 24/7 – your choice.

Tailored products just for you

No matter how many wounds have been inflicted in a marriage, I believe that they can be healed, giving both partners the sense of fulfillment and joy they've always wanted.

The companion workbook for Real Love® in Marriage provides exercises, questions, and additional content that make the principles in the Marriage book much easier to apply in daily life.


What they say...

Melanie E.Fairbanks, AK

Real Love saved my marriage...

I first found the Real Love website by Googling the words, "unconditional love". I was mesmerized by the free reports and blogs.  How could being happy be as simple as love?   Real Love has transformed my life, saved my marriage and my daughter is miles happier now.  

Chicago Tribune

You can have a happy marriage...

With marriage down and divorce up, it's tough to get and stay married these days. But Life Coach Greg Baer says you can have a happy marriage by learning to love your partner unconditionally. . .practicing Real Love.

Marjorie M. Las Vegas NV

We're happier than we ever thought possible..

My husband bought me the book "Real Love in Marriage"  and gave it to me the Christmas I had already decided to leave him. I did  not read it, but he did. I ignored all of his attempts to change and show me Real Love. After being married for ten years, I did not believe he could make real lasting change, so I moved out.

But my husband kept loving me. I was amazed. So I gave in and read the book, even though by then we were separated by 1500 miles. We began to talk, and now we’re happier than we’ve ever been. In fact, we’re happier than we ever thought possible. We’ve renewed our vows, and now I want to be with him forever.

Ladies Home Journal

Finding and maintaining Real Love...

With illustrations from real couples, guidelines for better communication, and exercises for the reader, Baer goes at the problem of finding and maintaining Real Love from all angles.

DJ Christensen
November 10, 2021

5.0 out of 5 stars Fabulous Marriage and Relationship Manual

What I love about this book is that you come away with a philosophy, or a principle you can apply every day in every interaction. The author provokes thinking about how we can move from selfishness to gratitude, which makes all the difference in the impact we can make for good in the world. Reading the book together with my new spouse has made all the difference in our establishing a foundation of real love in our new relationship and freeing us from the bondage of repeating past mistakes. I am so very grateful my wife wanted us to read this book and its predecessor together and was willing to discuss how we apply it daily.

Jim Christensen
November 9, 2021

What I love about this book is that you come away with a philosophy, or a principle you can apply every day in every interaction. The author provokes thinking about how we can move from selfishness to gratitude, which makes all the difference in the impact we can make for good in the world. Reading the book together with my new spouse has made all the difference in our establishing a foundation of real love in our new relationship and freeing us from the bondage of repeating past mistakes. I am so very grateful my wife wanted us to read this book and its predecessor together and was willing to discuss how we apply it daily.

February 2, 2021

5.0 out of 5 stars Real Love is the only Real thing that matters

Wish I'd read this in my early 20s. Would have made other choices and avoided a lot of pain and suffering.

Kimberly Barnett
June 17, 2019

5.0 out of 5 stars Price

Helped son with marriage

Malynn Beck
April 27, 2019

5.0 out of 5 stars Best book for relationships

Totally changed our family life!

Malc Peirce
April 19, 2018

Five Stars

Good value

April 28, 2020

5.0 out of 5 stars Great workbook to go along with book

So far were on day 7 of 40 and my husband and I already learned a lot about each other.

February 25, 2019

5.0 out of 5 stars Straightforward marriage rescue

My wife and I are almost done with the work book. If you have considered that your marriage needs help read Real Love first. It's a great read with THE most practical approach to relationships I have ever encountered. It's straightforward and simply makes sense. THEN just do the work in this workbook - with (preferable, of course) or without your spouse. The process has helped us to be more loving with each other. When we are less than loving we recognize it for what is and have a communication framework that helps us to return to our better selves.

Marlene M.
September 10, 2018

5.0 out of 5 stars Self improvement. Taking responsibility for your feelings.

Self improvement. Taking responsibility for your feelings.

Bonnie L. Jones
January 31, 2015

5.0 out of 5 stars ... in your relationships (all of them) and be a happier you? Read these books

Decided to make a difference in your relationships (all of them) and be a happier you? Read these books!

May 17, 2014

5.0 out of 5 stars ALL REAL LOVE books, etc FANTASTIC

Dr Greg Baer has REALLY put how to be HAPPY into the most SIMPLE terms so ANYONE can EASILY follow how to be happy and unconditionally loving. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND ALL REAL LOVE books, CD's, DVD's

Andy C
January 17, 2014

5.0 out of 5 stars Creating A New Way of Being

For those of us who need a 'blueprint' to becoming self-less this is a great progressive guidebook in that direction.

Bill B.CA

You can hardly fail...

My wife and I had gotten to a critical place in our marriage, where neither of us was sure we were going to make it. After one hour with Greg, our entire attitude changed, and now we’re back to being loving with each other. Dang, he makes it so simple and practical that you can hardly fail.

Karen C.CA

Happier than I could have predicted...

I am at a complete loss for the words that could describe how my marriage has changed since learning and sharing Real Love with my husband. I’ve learned to love him, my children, and many more. My children are happier than I could ever have predicted.

Roger W.australia

It's like a miracle...

My marriage was almost over, and our kids were acting out more and more. But then I talked to Greg, and we decided to really dive in and do it. We did everything Greg said to do. Everything. And now our marriage is stronger, and our teenage girl is almost unrecognizable. She’s happy and cooperative and kind to her brother. It’s like a miracle.

So thanks Greg, for your time and for all the information we found on the website.

Lori c.arizona

Enjoy a healthy, loving relationship...

Had it not been for Real Love and the lessons I've learned here over the past few years, I would not have been capable of enjoying an unconditionally loving relationship. My wonderful husband and I enjoy a healthy loving relationship that neither one of us has experienced before. We are taking our day off today to relax and re-read the first Real Love book out loud to each other. Life is good!

Alan and Daphne F.VA

It's truly amazing...

We had been married 32 years prior to discovering Real Love. We had everyone fooled. They thought that we had the "perfect" marriage and that we were "wonderful" parents. The truth of the matter is that Alan & I were living parallel lives—in the same house but not as real partners. With Real Love we have experienced profound results in all our relationships: with our children, siblings, people at work, people at our church. It’s truly amazing.

Kathy n.germany

I'm so much kinder...

Since learning about Real Love, I’ve been happier than ever, and I’m so much kinder to my husband and seven-year-old son. It’s a fact, "With real love, nothing else matters.  Without it, nothing else is enough."

Jill S.england

It's been a miracle...

We thought our family was doing fine. But then I found out that my husband had been having affairs for years—a lot of them—and I couldn’t ignore anymore that our kids were hurting and avoiding us. You wouldn’t even recognize our family now. It’s been a miracle.

Bruce o.england

More happily married now...

Finding Real Love has quite literally transformed me, my marriage, my relationship with my children and actually - my whole life. I discovered Real Love at the lowest point of my life to date - my wife, after 23yrs of marriage, asked me to leave and together with my two children, they were all happy to see me go.

A search of the Internet found and the amazing work of Dr Greg Baer. My wife and I went to see him and he started working with us to repair our relationship.

Fast forward four years.......we are more happily married than we ever were before we found Real Love, both our children have discovered that Real Love can help them with their life issues too and we are now helping many others discover it's unique power in the world today.

Don't know where to start?

Start here:
