Real Love® and Personal Growth

Why Real Love and Personal Growth?

  • You'll lose your addictions to food, alcohol, drugs, sex, and more.
  • You won't get irritated at the many little things that bother you now.
  • You'll discover who you REALLY are.
  • You will replace fear and anger with peace and confidence in your life. That’s a miraculous feeling!


Worry a lot?

Do you feel overwhelmed by the sorrows and inconveniences in life? Do you find yourself feeling and acting dramatic about these events?

Sense that something is missing?

Is there a feeling of emptiness in your life that you can’t describe and you don’t know why it's there?

Live in the past and in fear?

Are you constantly living in the past and fearful of repeating the same mistakes over and over again? Do you feel fearful about too many things?

Tailored products just for you

Real Love book cover

What is the secret something all relationships need to thrive? Greg Baer found the answer to this question and more and shares a practical and enlightening blueprint for creating successful relationships as we walk the path to finding and keeping what he calls "Real Love."

Real Love Companion book cover

Real Love CompanionTaking steps toward a loving and happy life.

Intellectual understanding of the principles in Real Love is exciting, but our lives really change only when we apply these principles to ourselves and take the steps to find and feel Real Love. This is a companion workbook for Real Love. It's where the "rubber meets the road."

Real Love and Freedom for the Soul

At the root of all our anger and our problems in relationships is our belief that we have been victimized: we believe we've been hurt, slighted, or treated unfairly. In this book you'll learn about the disease of victimhood and how you can achieve a level of freedom and peace you never thought possible.

How Do You Know Our Personal Growth Advice is for You?

Everywhere we look, there are so many signs that something is seriously amiss in our society: as many as 20% of us are addicted to alcohol or drugs of some kind; one of nine men will spend some time of his life in prison; nearly 60% of our marriages end in divorce; 41% of ninth-grade students reported drinking alcohol in the past month; one-quarter of all adolescents contract a sexually transmitted disease before they graduate from high school; and 4 out of every 10 girls in the U.S. will become pregnant at least once while in their teens, with 80% of these pregnancies being unintended.

What is wrong here? What are people missing in their lives that causes them to act out in all these unhealthy ways? Regrettably, we have tended to see all these behaviors as separate problems, and because of our near-sightedness, we have been quite unsuccessful in resolving them.

  • Do you have a hard time feeling happy and enjoying life?
  • Do you carry around feelings of guilt and shame — for things you did and didn’t do, for the people you’ve hurt?
  • Do you find yourself constantly getting into arguments and conflicts with your spouse, kids, and co-workers — even total strangers in traffic?
  • Do you keep attracting the wrong people and can’t seem to make a happy, fulfilling and peaceful relationship last?
  • Do you wonder why you feel the way you do, why you make the decisions you make? And you wish you could be clear about what drives you?

We'll help you discover who you really are and eliminate fear from your life so you can enjoy genuine emotional health and richly fulfilling relationships with your partner, friends and others. Now you can finally do something that will transform your life and relationships forever.

  • You'll lose your addictions to food, alcohol, drugs, sex, and others.
  • You won’t get irritated at the many little things that bother you now.
  • You’ll discover who you really are, which fewer than 1% of people realize now.
  • You’ll enjoy a richly fulfilling relationship with your partner, friends and others.
  • You will eliminate fear from your life. That’s a miraculous feeling!


What they say...

Yvonne S.Uk

Real Love is incredible and unbelievable...

its incredible and unbelievable. If i could just do an ounce of what you do i would be satisfied. You do so much and have given crushed, broken, dead souls life even when there was never a hope of recovery. Its incredible. 

My life is unrecognizable because of Real Love.

Elin M. OR

Real Love brings peace...

Dr. Greg Baer is someone we should all have the gift of knowing and learning from. He has THE KEY, and all the answers to relationship issues that you'll ever need... because they are based in love, the most powerful, forgiving, flourishing force in the universe.

What the readers and listeners say...

Jordan Peterson
January 10, 2024

5.0 out of 5 stars Saved me and my marriage

This book was recommended by a friend. It saved me and my marriage. I was in a funk and this book offered the change in perspective I needed to be more positive. I would and have recommended this to others.

Yvonne Abad
September 12, 2023

5.0 out of 5 stars Life-changing

This book is amazing. It’s the best perfect book to read with your partner. It helps you and gives you the understanding about real love exactly what the title is. I recommend this book for every person that is lacking their foreign doesn’t know about real love. It does exist.

Sandra Andrus
April 28, 2023

5.0 out of 5 stars Love this book

This is one of my favorite books. It’s very insightful about why we act the way we do when we want something from another person. And why we treat them poorly when we don’t get our way. I think it’s the kind of book anyone can benefit from read. I like it so much that I bought this copy for a friend.

September 6, 2022


First pages in and i was already crying. Should be taught in school As i was reading i started to worry about the teachings not applying to me with PtSd and childhood trauma. How would this work well for those out of the “norm.” First off I learned a lot and it was things i had no idea about. That is huge. However it was the last few pages that i learned that no matter how this Real love is applied if the significant other is lying, manipulating and cant tell the truth even after sharing this or has little to know interest in learning. Run like the wind. Biggest take away… if this other person cant say they are sorry , if they cant admit they are wrong they can’t learn anything. How can you learn anything if your already right about everything. Red flag.. run like the wind.

David G. Allen
August 28, 2022

finally helped me learn what other great people have been trying to teach me for years

This book fits well into understanding the concept of unconditional love regardless of faith. Though it is clear that those who appreciate Real Love strongly enough will find themselves more drawn to the life and teaching of Jesus. If you want to really make a safe and secure home life for your family (in their inner and external worlds) you need this information

June 20, 2022

Real Love By Greg Baer

This book has an amazing message. The principles that, Greg brings up are something we have all experienced in our lifetimes, in small doses and interspersed with ours and others, “Getting and Protecting,” behaviors. It almost seems too simple; however, I am reminded of the phrase, “it’s simple but, not easy.”

Hanna Marii Ilves
December 6, 2022

5.0 out of 5 stars Lifechanging

If you only attract rats then you might want to start analyzing why you are the rat bait. It is a wonderful book to help one learn about its mistakes.

Maria P.
June 29, 2021

5.0 out of 5 stars Life changing info

An eye opener for all man kind. It will change your perspective on how to Love The people in your life.

February 20, 2018

5.0 out of 5 stars If you struggle with relationships and life you must read ...

If you struggle with relationships and life you must read this book. It helped me identify the times I am the problem and how I can change my actions or thinking in order to have fuller and more honest relationship and dialog. If applied it helps let go of the things you can't control and helps you stop being a victim of your own wrong thinking.

Sidne J. O'reilly
February 29, 2016

Five Stars

What an eye opener! Truly a must read.

Sarah Sill
July 9, 2015

5.0 out of 5 stars Real Love.

You will see yoyrself in these pages! When you recognize the negative role you play in your own life, you awaken to the joyous idea that you can stop. Victim behavior never gets you your desired result: Real Love.

June 20, 2015


I finally understand things so much better.

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