Looking for a Potential PartnerGreg explains why we often end up chasing a dream or illusion when looking for a potential partner. This “Nugget” is a short segment from Video Chat 252.The Mistakes Made in Looking for Potential Partner"But these complicated men and beautiful women are almost always high maintenance, less available themselves emotionally because they're focused on themselves and much higher maintenance for you. And we just don't need that. All you want is somebody who is capable of loving you. Even if he's plainer, less obviously exciting, possibly even slightly boring," she said. "As if the challenging or successful man's love is worth more."The Important Principle in Setting Standards for a Potential PartnerThat's exactly the problem you've been facing. You have dated how many complicated, interesting, wealthy, clever, exciting men who own entire islands, who fly around the world, and how much happiness have you found with them? Grand total zero. Easy to calculate. If you set stupid standards for a potential partner, you'll miss the partner that you really want and the partner that you need. |