The Importance of Not Rewarding a Child’s Anger & More: Video Chat 223

Go to 10:47 to watch, "The Importance of Not Rewarding a Child's Anger

Listen to the chat here:


00:00 Joy of being with people who really want to change.

00:37 Continue to be teachable and trust rather than agonizing over the past.

07:40 Shame and guilt are different, but become inseparable when you start with shame.

10:47 Do not reward a child's anger.

13:14 Mother successfully applies RL principles when daughter misses ride to school.

17:46 When thinking about death, decide what you believe about the important things first, then details.

23:21 Kids who are loved can see the truth about criticism and anger without fear.

24:49 Trust is just words until it changes your behavior.

25:56 3-year-old is possessive and aggressive; what we want to teach kids is how to be happy.

28:55 Practical examples of teaching the 3-year-old to be loving and responsible.

36:32 Things we can talk about without bringing up the past old stories.

38:38 Man learns to recognize the effect of his anger; now can express his natural joy. 

40:02 Man lets go of victimhood after a wise person doesn’t answer a call. People really don't have to explain themselves, and we can still feel loved.

43:24 Pain makes us blind, crazy, and detached. Get more focused on personal relationships in order to heal.

45:41 Woman realizes she enjoys the power of 'breaking people.'

48:40 When we don't consider the feelings of others, we make our own situation worse.


Anger Management, Parenting, Personal Growth

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About the author 

Greg Baer, M.D.

I am the founder of The Real Love® Company, Inc, a non-profit organization. Following the sale of my successful ophthalmology practice I have dedicated the past 25 years to teaching people a remarkable process that replaces all of life's "crazy" with peace, confidence and meaning in various aspects of their personal lives, including parenting, marriages, the workplace and more.
