Words That Matter, #7: Avoiding “Why”, Improving Relationships

By Greg Baer M.D.

August 21, 2024

In my experience working with people seeking Real LoveĀ®, I've noticed how often the word "why" surfaces in conversations.

It's a small word, yet it carries a heavy load of expectations, demands, and even accusations.

Instead of asking "why," we can choose to embrace silence or ask questions that foster understanding and love.

Let me share how this shift in perspective can transform our interactions and relationships.

Recently I began a discussion of words laden with negative meanings:

Words that Matter Part 6: Want, Wish
Words that Matter Part 5: Okay
Words that Matter Part 4: No, Not
Words that Matter Part 3: I don't like
Words that Matter Part 2: Can't
Words that Really Matter: Should

and now weā€™ll continue.


Nearly every day as I talk with people, I hear some variation on the wordā€”or questionā€”ā€œWhy?ā€ For example:

ā€œI just do not understand why my husband . . .ā€
ā€œI donā€™t know why people . . .ā€
ā€œWhy does this have to happen to me?ā€
ā€œWhy are you doing that?ā€
ā€œWhy canā€™t he/she just . . .ā€

The Hidden Weight of "Why" in Conversations

ā€œWhyā€ is a sneaky word that is often laden with accusations, expectations, demands, and more.

When we were childrenā€”more times than we could possibly rememberā€”our parents and other adults would say, ā€œWhy are you doing that?ā€ or ā€œWhy are you doing it that way?ā€
Almost never was that a true question, even though it ended in a question mark.
They were really saying,
ā€œWhy are you being so stupid?ā€
ā€œWhy are you not doing that the way I would do it?ā€
ā€œHow dare you attempt something your way without consulting me?ā€

So we learned to hear ā€œwhyā€ as an accusation, and just as often we have adopted the same meaning in speaking that word to others.

Understanding the Impact of "Why" on Relationships

ā€œWhyā€ has another meaning that is more subtle in its injurious effects.

Look at the first three examples of ā€œwhyā€ beneath the bold heading above.

We are so accustomed to asking why things happen, or why people do things, that we have become blind to the implied meaning.

When we ask why people behave as they do, or why something happens, we are stating that we have a right to demand an explanation for everything that happens that we donā€™t agree with or understand.

The arrogance of such a demand is staggering.

The Dangers of Assumption 

One day Donna was driving, and she made a choiceā€”about which lane to drive in, or whateverā€”that I thought was unwise, inefficient, or in some way not the choice I would have made. I began my sentence, ā€œWhy did youā€”ā€ before I stopped myself and realized that I already knew the answer to that question. She made her choice because she felt like it, because it was what she wanted to do, and because she is who she is. I realized how arrogant it was for me to demand an explanation for something that was entirely her choice.

Simply by asking ā€œwhyā€ā€”with few exceptionsā€”we assume a position of authority or importance that often impairs our ability to feel humble, grateful, loved, and loving.

As we question people about why they do thingsā€”which translates into asking them why they are who they areā€”we tend to hurt our relationships in significant ways.

Choosing Silence: A Powerful Alternative

So what can we do instead of asking ā€œwhy,ā€ with all its negative implications and effects?

Most of the time, we could simply shut up. Try it as an experiment.

The next dozen or so times that youā€™re tempted to ask ā€œwhy,ā€ simply close your mouth and see what happens.

Mostly youā€™ll learn:

  • that you didnā€™t really need the answer to your question.
  • that your question was intrusive and often stupid.
  • that you werenā€™t really entitled to an answer.
  • that your relationship with that person is calmer and more accepting if you skip the ā€œwhy.ā€

Asking the Right Questions for Love and Understanding

Occasionallyā€”and I emphasize that this is only on occasion, not a regular patternā€”you do have a right to ask ā€œwhy,ā€ or it might not be harmful to ask.

So how could you do this better?

  • There have occasions where after a few YEARS I have become curious why Donna prepares food a certain way, or why she refrigerates one thing but not another. I emphasize that I have waited a long time to be CERTAIN that I was merely curious, not trying to change the way she does things. And then I might say, ā€œI notice that you put ketchup in the refrigerator (even though Iā€™ve never heard of ketchup getting moldy or becoming dangerous). I donā€™t care what you do with it. I just wondered why you do that.ā€ I rarely ask such questions, and I have no investment in her answer.
  • You notice that somebody does something differently from the way youā€™re used to doing it. You might say, for example, ā€œIā€™ve noticed that you do X when you park your car. Iā€™ve come to respect how carefully and sensibly you make decisions, so Iā€™m guessing that Iā€™m missing something beneficial. Can you tell me your reasoning behind that choice?ā€
  • ā€œI just noticed you do Y. Iā€™ve never seen it done that way before. Would you mind doing it again, and explaining how you came up with that approach?ā€

Most people actually enjoy explaining how or why they do things IF youā€™re genuinely curious, but not if they sense that youā€™re interrogating them.

In future blogs weā€™ll discuss more words that have a much greater negative effect than we realize or intend.

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About the author 

Greg Baer, M.D.

I am the founder of The Real LoveĀ® Company, Inc, a non-profit organization. Following the sale of my successful ophthalmology practice I have dedicated the past 25 years to teaching people a remarkable process that replaces all of life's "crazy" with peace, confidence and meaning in various aspects of their personal lives, including parenting, marriages, the workplace and more.

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