Recently I read a newspaper headline that stated, “Air Force Runs Out of Bombs.” Apparently the U.S. military had dropped so many bombs on the forces of ISIS that they were having to scour previously untapped depots, and to increase the rate of manufacturing.
In a hostile and belligerent world, where there is no shortage of anger and conflict, who would have thought that our supply of bombs would ever become inadequate?
After all, we tend to do most what we’re best at, and we’re far better at hurting each other than we are at loving.
There really is a finite supply of bombs, tanks, troops, and money to fund it all.
Unconditional Love: An Infinite Resource
But the supply of unconditional love is Infinite and Divine. There is no shortage, even though the vast majority of us cannot see the love available to us.
When we learn to tap into that supply, and to share it with others, we can be happy now and forever.