The Symptoms and Solutions for ADHD

By Greg Baer M.D.

May 12, 2020

Do You Have a Child Who Might Have ADHD? 

Learn the Real Signs and Get the Real Solutions Right Now.  

Are you tired of hearing the confusion about what ADHD is? Are you weary of the claims from drug companies, doctors, and other parents that medication is the answer? 

Then you’re in the right place. Finally, finally, you can learn about ADHD—the signs and symptoms—and what you can do about it immediately.

ADHD is NOT What You Think

Increasingly, neuroscientists who have no financial interest in drug companies are beginning to see that the traditional signs of ADHD are IDENTICAL to the signs of a child in emotional PAIN. It turns out that ADHD is not a disease. It’s a collection of signs and symptoms that simply indicate that a child is in pain. Done. No kidding. When we understand that, we can begin to implement real treatment, instead of just controlling symptoms with mind-altering medications.

Here’s what I’m going to teach you:

  • The REAL reason your child has symptoms of ADHD (and it’s not what you think).
  • Why you just can’t seem to manage the behavior of this kid, no matter what you do.
  • What you can do to ELIMINATE—not just manage—the list of symptoms that are disturbing your child and you. Really.

The Signs of "ADHD" and Emotional Pain

What ARE the signs of ADHD? Just a few:

  • Forgetful. You give them a task, and five minutes later, they act like they don’t remember YOU, much less what you’re talking about.
  • Poor focus. They just don’t look like they’re paying attention to what you’re saying.
  • Not caring. They don’t seem to care what’s happening around them.
  • Careless. They often fail to give close attention to details, or make careless mistakes. (School)
  • Outbursts. Frequent bursts of energy, bouncing off the walls
  • Interrupting. Interrupt people and activities in class and at home. Barge right in like only person.
  • Fidget almost constantly, can’t sit still.

Now, go back and look at all those symptoms again. They ALL describe how a child behaves who is in physical or emotional pain, don’t they?

Children with an earache, or whose parents are constantly fighting also:

  • Focus poorly and forget. 
  • They become careless, because they’re distracted by pain.
  • They don’t pay attention to anything but their pain (Neither do adults).
  • They have outbursts in reaction to their pain, they interrupt people, and they fidget.

All pain.

So, I repeat:

ADHD is not a disease. It’s a collection of signs and symptoms that simply indicate that a child is in pain. Done. No kidding. When we understand that, we can begin to implement real treatment, instead of just controlling symptoms with mind-altering medications.

Want to learn more?

Eliminate confusion and conflict with your ADHD child.

  • It is fine that you say the child is in pain, how do you fix this pain. Be it emotional, or mental, or whatever.
    We are the foster parents of our grandchild’s son. The father moved away and is living with another lady and they have a child together. The mother took the child with her when he was a year old and moved back to her mother. But soon afterward moved away from the mother’s home, and lived with another man with whom she has two kids. Soon after she moved away she contacted us the boy great grandparents and asked if we will look after him we of cause said yes and he has been living with us ever since. She has granted us foster rights on him so we can sign all the paperwork at kindergarten and school. The boy does see her every couple of weeks and visit her for a weekend, but the father does very little for him and very seldom see or visit him. We try and do for him as a parent will do, but we are 78 and 76 and not allways sure if we do the right thing. We love him dearly and will do anything for him, but as he will be going to grade 1 next year we feel that he is acting like a child with ADHD. To whom can we take him for assessment.
    Carl and Barbara Nell

  • This may be true for boys with ADHD, but girls with ADHD have different symptoms (like daydreaming). Are those symptoms also similar to the symptoms of emotional pain?

    • Daydreaming is a great word, and Greg used “poor focus” to say the same thing, essentially. They can be similar to the symptoms of emotional pain. There’s not just one reason people daydream. It is worthy of our attention as parents, however. 
      Does that help? Is there anything I can help with?

      • I am 66. I was a daydreamer at home and at school. Also interrupted people all the time because I needed to get out the thoughts in my head before I forgot what my thoughts were, I still do it now. Forever had to keep my hands busy, fiddling. As I grew older it changed to picking my skin or pulling my hair out.
        Whatever I did I remember my father yelling at me a lot.

        • (From Greg:) It’s not too late, kid. It’s not complicated. You’re in pain, emotional pain, almost all the time. All your behaviors are reactions to that pain, ways you’ve learned to cope or survive. It all began when you were very young, when you didn’t get the unconditional love you badly need. Yes, it really is that simple, which doesn’t necessarily make it easy to grasp.

          Whether you are a parent or not, I highly recommend that you go to and get the Ridiculously Effective Parenting Training. It will teach you exactly why you’ve used all your life the behaviors you just described. It’s quite a revelation. You’ll also learn how you can find happiness now.

    • Hi Busisiwe. I hope I can help. The first couple of steps I recommend you take are in place, online. Go to and on the home page there’s a link to a short video on ADHD. Watch that, then watch the first lesson that it directs you to. It’s free, and it’s easy to navigate to it. If what I teach seems like a solution for you, get the parenting training. We just reduced the price by almost half, and it’s a very comprehensive, solution rich, program with ongoing support. I’ll be with you through this process, as will many others. You’re not alone.

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    About the author 

    Greg Baer, M.D.

    I am the founder of The Real Love® Company, Inc, a non-profit organization. Following the sale of my successful ophthalmology practice I have dedicated the past 25 years to teaching people a remarkable process that replaces all of life's "crazy" with peace, confidence and meaning in various aspects of their personal lives, including parenting, marriages, the workplace and more.

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