Too Many Words

By Greg Baer M.D.

October 26, 2022

I had known Martha and Brian for several months at the time I was speaking to both of them on Skype. Martha had launched into a monologue about Brianā€™s crimes.

After I raised my hand for several seconds, Martha finally stopped talking. I turned to Brian and asked, ā€œDo you sometimes feel like Martha uses too many words?ā€

A look of indescribable relief came over Brianā€™s face, strongly communicating, ā€œI canā€™t believe it. Somebody other than me finally understands what itā€™s been like to be machine gunned with words for the past twenty years? Is this possible, or am I dreaming?ā€

I helped Martha understand that she didnā€™t intentionally hurt her partner with too many words. All her life, nobody had ever really listened to her, so sheā€™d compensated by talking MORE, hoping that if she generated an avalanche of words, somebody would hear at least a fraction. But her efforts had caused an effect quite the opposite of what she intended. When faced with her avalanche, Brian and others simply tuned her out, hearing nothing she said.

When we use a lot of words in making a request, or in making a point, we tend to be doing one or more of the following:

  1. Weā€™re proving that weā€™re right. The reasoningā€”mostly unconsciousā€”tends to go like this: If ten words communicates my opinion, then a hundred words surely must communicate it betterā€”and proves in addition that I must be right. Who could refute such a mountain of words?
  1. Weā€™re convincing other people to believe us. This is only slightly different from #1, but if we can prove weā€™re right to the point that someone else is persuaded to change their opinion, then we must be even more right. What a bonus.
  1. Weā€™re trying to force people to comply with our wishes. In making a request, more words serve to prove that our ā€œrequestā€ must be right, bolster the urgency of our request, and create an almost tangible pressure on people to complyā€”if only to get us to shut up.
  1. Weā€™re trying to restrain people from resisting us. We use words almost like ropes, preventing our ā€œopponentā€ from refusing our reasoning or our request.
  1. We feel powerful and self-righteous. While weā€™re droning on, we command the position of Speaker and assign everyone else to listen to our brilliant reasoning.
  1. Weā€™re indicatingā€”however unconsciouslyā€”that the person weā€™re talking to is too stupid to understand simpler reasoning or too uncaring to agree to a simple request.

Why does all this matter? Because it turns out that people generally donā€™t like it when we overwhelm them, sell them, force them to comply, restrain them, and call them stupid. Once we know all these effects of too many words, we can begin to make wiser choices about how we speak, instead of reflexively doing what weā€™ve learned to do from a lifetime of being ignored and in pain.

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About the author 

Greg Baer, M.D.

I am the founder of The Real LoveĀ® Company, Inc, a non-profit organization. Following the sale of my successful ophthalmology practice I have dedicated the past 25 years to teaching people a remarkable process that replaces all of life's "crazy" with peace, confidence and meaning in various aspects of their personal lives, including parenting, marriages, the workplace and more.

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