
By Greg Baer M.D.

April 22, 2024

When are We Entitled to Privacy? 

Letā€™s look first at what we were taught from early childhood. We were taught that we have no privacy at all. People in authority had a right to demand an answer to any question they could think of. Consider whether some of these questions sound familiar:

ā€œWhere are you going?ā€ 
ā€œWhere have you been?ā€ 
ā€œWhy are you doing that?ā€ 
ā€œWhat were you thinking?ā€ 
ā€œWhat do you think youā€™re wearing, young man/lady?ā€ 

In todayā€™s electronic age, where children are prematurely exposed to thoughts, feelings, pictures, and behaviors impossible in times past, privacy is far too great a potential dangerā€”kidnaping, sexual predation, sexting, bullying, and moreā€”so their lives need to be as transparent as possible. 

Unfortunately, as with other principles, we tend to continue believing as adults what we learned as children. As children, we learned the general rule that we HAD to answer personal questions whenever they were asked. Carrying this rule into adulthood, we now feel obligated to answer questions like these:

ā€œWhat are you doing Friday?ā€
ā€œWhy werenā€™t you at the party Saturday?ā€
ā€œWhat are you working on there?ā€
ā€œWho was that on the phone?ā€

When Does Anybody Else Have a Right to Quiz You?

With some exceptionsā€”which weā€™ll discuss shortlyā€”what you do is none of anybody elseā€™s business. Generally, the real question is not when do you have a right to privacy, but when does anybody else have a right to quiz you about what youā€™re doing? Letā€™s apply this principle to each of the above questions, just to illustrate the general rule.

ā€œWhat are you doing Friday?ā€ This kind of question is so common that we accept is as normal. On the contrary, I have no right to ask you what youā€™re doing on a particular day. This puts you in a position of having to explain your private plans to me, and for me to judge whether your activity is better than the one Iā€™m about to propose. My question would be intrusive and judgmental.

ā€œWhy werenā€™t you at the party Saturday?ā€ None of my darned business where you were Saturday, or why. A possible exception might be if you had agreed to be master of ceremonies at the party, but come on, how often would that be the case?

ā€œWhat are you working on there?ā€ This might seem to indicate an interest in you and therefore to be desirable, but again, itā€™s intrusive, and weā€™re conditioned to it by a lifetime of invasive questions. If I want to indicate an interest in YOU, I might acceptably say, ā€œIt looks like youā€™re pretty occupied,ā€ at which point you could simply agree and keep working, or you could choose to tell me what youā€™re doing. But then you have a choice.

ā€œWho was that on the phone?ā€ I have heard this question on many occasions, and Iā€™ve noted that mostly people do not like being asked. If they had wanted to tell others who was on the phone, they would have offered the information.


Nobody is entitled to an answer just because they ask you a question. Are there any exceptions? Sure, and weā€™ll discuss just a few: the workplace, partners, and children.

The workplace. Employers generally do have a right to ask their employees what theyā€™re doing and why, as long as itā€™s related to job performance.

Partners. When people marry, or agree to a lifetime exclusive relationship, they agree to SHARE themselves with their partner. For that reason, my partner has a right to know things that other people have no right to know: when Iā€™m getting home, when Iā€™m leaving, how I spend our money, and more. Each couple must come to their own agreement, but in my own marriage I keep nothing from my wife. She can read my emails, go through my computer files, or access anything else Iā€™m doing. Ironically, out of respect she would rarely open my computer to read anything, but she has my permission to do so. My privacy is thus relatively secure, but through mutual respect, not out of a defensive posture on my part.

Children. Children have a right to know where their parents are, what the dayā€™s plans are, and more, because children are dependent on their parents. To withhold information from a child is to create chaos that is intolerably painful for the child.

We need to avoid feeling defensive about our privacy, but instead to make our privacy decisions based on what others have the right to know, along with a consideration of what would be loving to share with them.

Want to learn more?

Eliminate confusion and conflict with your children.

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About the author 

Greg Baer, M.D.

I am the founder of The Real LoveĀ® Company, Inc, a non-profit organization. Following the sale of my successful ophthalmology practice I have dedicated the past 25 years to teaching people a remarkable process that replaces all of life's "crazy" with peace, confidence and meaning in various aspects of their personal lives, including parenting, marriages, the workplace and more.

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