The Gift of Immediate Feedback

By Greg Baer M.D.

January 25, 2021

James and Lori had been enduring a barely tolerable marriage for a long time. I taught them how to love each other, but we kept encountering the obstacle that James had a profound need to be right. When we believe weā€™re right, we cannot be taught anything new.

Each time James spoke with me, he would tell me how great he was doing. Everything was fine. By his account, he was kind, gentle, and loving toward Lori. And yet Lori reported that she continued to feel distant toward him, which he could feelā€”and complained about.

I arranged a conference call with both of them and asked Lori why she didnā€™t feel close to James. ā€œIā€™m not blaming him,ā€ she said, the truth of which was confirmed by her tone of voice. ā€œIā€™m just saying that I find it difficult to feel close to him when heā€™s condescending and critical so often. If I were more loving, it might not bother me, but Iā€™m just learning how to feel confident that Iā€™m loved, so Iā€™m a bit weak, and his behavior does bother me.ā€

This is a beautiful example of telling the truth about another person. Lori didnā€™t blame James. She simply described whyā€”as a flawed and imperfectly loving personā€”she found it difficult to feel loved by her husband or loving toward him.

ā€œJames,ā€ I said, ā€œyou really do tend to be critical and condescending. Iā€™ve heard you do it with Lori, and youā€™ve done it with me on several occasions.ā€

ā€œBut Iā€”ā€ he began.

I interrupted. ā€œJames, this is the principal reason your marriage is not improving. You ARE behaving in ways that are not loving toward Lori. The instant you defend yourself on that subjectā€”as you were about to do just nowā€”instead of actually listening, youā€™re guaranteed to continue your unproductive behaviors. Now you have a simple choice. Do you want a happier marriage or not? This is a Yes or No question.ā€


ā€œThen youā€™d have to take advantage of a huge gift that you have in Lori. I can teach you how to be loving all day, but until you stop the unloving behaviors, you will not progress toward the goal you claim to have. You need to have your unloving behaviors pointed out to you right while youā€™re doing them. Later in the day, you wonā€™t remember them, or you will already have justified them. You need immediate feedback from someone who is WITH you at the time. Lori can do that.ā€

ā€œBut what if she tells me Iā€™m being condescending when Iā€™m not?ā€

ā€œThatā€™s an understandable concern, but you can let go of it for two reasons: First, what is the likelihood that you would be bathing Lori in the love sheā€™s always wanted, which she would adore, but then sheā€™d interrupt that bliss by claiming that youā€™re being condescending? Almost a zero likelihood. Second, sheā€™s simply the best youā€™ve got, so if she makes an occasional mistake, who cares? Sheā€™s still the best immediate feedback you can get. Now, the real question is, are you willing to take the feedback?ā€

ā€œI guess I donā€™t really know how,ā€ James said.

ā€œNo, you really donā€™t, so let me teach you. If Lori feels that youā€™re being condescending, for example, she will simply say, ā€˜James, youā€™re being condescending.ā€™ Notice that she is not telling you to stop, or that youā€™re a bad person, just informing you about what youā€™re doing. Lori, are you clear about that?ā€

ā€œYep,ā€ she said.

ā€œNow, James,ā€ I began, ā€œhow can you respond to that? You only have two choices. First, if you can recognize that what sheā€™s saying is true, you respond with, ā€˜Yes, I am. Thanks for telling me.ā€™ And you will have received an invaluable piece of feedback. Second choice: if you do not recognize your behavior, you say, ā€˜I need help. Describe what youā€™re seeing, so I can recognize it.ā€™ Again, you get valuable information. Under no circumstances do you argue with her or defend yourself. Take the information and learn from it.ā€

If youā€™re not entirely happyā€”and who is?ā€”you ARE behaving in ways that are fearful or unloving. If you donā€™t recognize what youā€™re doing, enlist the help of someoneā€”or several peopleā€”around you. This takes great courage, but the rewards are enormous. Other people often can see your behaviors better than you can, because youā€™re blinded by fear or familiarity. And they FEEL your unloving behaviors better than you would. Ask someone to point out when youā€™re being fearful, critical, angry, unkind, or whatever. If they agree, and if you are humble and teachable, you will receive quite a gift.

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About the author 

Greg Baer, M.D.

I am the founder of The Real LoveĀ® Company, Inc, a non-profit organization. Following the sale of my successful ophthalmology practice I have dedicated the past 25 years to teaching people a remarkable process that replaces all of life's "crazy" with peace, confidence and meaning in various aspects of their personal lives, including parenting, marriages, the workplace and more.

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