In physics, momentum can be loosely understood as the overall force of a moving object. Technically it’s the mathematical product of the mass of the object and its velocity (momentum = mass x velocity, or p = mv). More graphically, a full-loaded truck (lots of mass) moving very fast down the road (high velocity) has a lot of momentum. The less the mass or velocity, the less the momentum, so a ping pong ball (small mass) rolling slowly (low velocity) on the floor has little momentum.
Human beings have mental, emotional, and spiritual momentum. With each experience, we acquire patterns of beliefs, feelings, and behaviors that establish a momentum in a certain direction.
Let’s illustrate how momentum might work with children. They absorb beliefs (mass) very quickly (velocity), like a sponge soaking up water. They also respond rapidly (velocity) with feelings (more mass), and quickly translate their beliefs and feelings into behaviors. They acquire momentum quickly.
Adults, on the other hand, may not acquire momentum as quickly as children, but they’ve been gathering momentum for a much longer time, so their overall momentum is usually far greater than that of a child. In short, experience adds to momentum, and adults have more experience.
If our experiences have been unloving and painful for a lifetime, we have an enormous momentum in that direction, so stopping and changing that momentum understandably requires a force at least equal to the momentum of our lifetime to that point. In other words, changing our lives is no small thing.
So, as adults, how do we change our considerable momentum in the direction of pain and fear? We change the two factors that produce momentum: mass and velocity. We change our beliefs and experience (mass) as we study and find Real Love, and that process is multiplied (literally, in the case of p = mv) as we TRUST (velocity) what we’re learning and feeling. Without trust, we have only mass, which does not move on its own. A mountain, for example, has enormous mass but no momentum, because it does not move. Trust adds velocity to the loving mass we accumulate, and together they multiply to change our momentum.
The more loving experience we get (mass), and the more we trust it (velocity), the faster we can stop our painful momentum and begin to move in the direction of love and joy. As we have consistent experience with love and trust, we enjoy the benefits of enormous momentum in the “right” direction, and then when minor problems and obstacles occur—which they always will—our momentum is disturbed only slightly, much as a ping pong ball would change the direction of a moving truck very little.
Persist in your efforts to find Real Love and to trust what you find. The resulting momentum will create a life that cannot be significantly disturbed by the distractions that inevitably occur around us. We become irresistible forces of love.