Roxanne’s childhood had been a disaster, as had the rest of her life, characterized by fear, anger, controlling, bitterness, and loneliness. In short, she had known little but pain. I helped her learn to trust love, and she experienced a remarkable change. Oh, she fought from time to time, hanging on with her fingernails to the habits of the past, but one day she finally understood that her happiness was a CHOICE.
She wrote: “Yippee!! I'm only a few days out from my rebirth day, and STILL feeling soooo loved. I just wanted to share with you the truth about myself that I saw this past weekend. I think of it really as my FREEDOM list. This is the list of crap that I am now FREE from as long as I stay feeling loved. How easy is that?!
“I am now free from a long list of self-inflicted miseries:
Addiction to pain
Legalistically arguing details
Repeating what I say over & over until others just agree to get it to stop
Constantly looking for opportunities to be offended
Seeking power, control & domination over others
Seeking sympathy
Focusing on what I don't get instead of what I do
Living in my imaginary world where everyone else is getting what was supposed to be mine
Feeling anxiety
Disregarding any efforts that other people made to love me
Feeling invisible
“I’m so relieved. I’m so grateful!! I’m also a bit disoriented. Like, NOW WHAT? Definitely wondering "Who am I?" But I'm figuring it out, and I know I’ll succeed. I love being loved. I would never have believed that all this was just a choice, but it is.”
Like Roxanne, we really can CHOOSE to be happy. All it takes is a bit of learning and a lot of faith.