How Parenting Impacts Career Success

By Greg Baer M.D.

September 3, 2024

I have read countless articles and books on how to succeed in business.

Business authors and think tanks all claim programs or systems or philosophies that will produce the successes that everybody wants in the workplace.

Workforce Crisis: Then vs Now

But I have also spoken to a great number of CEOs and other corporate managers, and they keep saying one thing over and over: Regardless of the business philosophy they employ, they canā€™t find enough WORKERS who are adequately prepared for the workplace. 

They canā€™t find people who believe simply in working hard.

These widespread impressions of management are borne out by statistics, which show young adult unemployment in this country at a level double that of 25 years ago.

I remember what 25 years ago was like. People would chuckle at the notion of the 30-year-old man who was living in his motherā€™s basement, playing video games. Nobody finds that a crazy idea now. Itā€™s common.

The Changing Attitude of Young Workers

So, What are CEOs finding instead of willing and capable workers? Theyā€™re finding potential employees who:

  • Want to know all about their vacations days
  • Feel entitled to work from home, rather than asking what would be best for the company
  • Demand recognition for the smallest accomplishmentsā€”you know, just doing their job
  • Are quick to be demanding or offended
  • Are unwilling to put in extra hours or effort for the occasions that inevitably arise where such extra effort is necessary.
  • Have limited communication skills in person

These CEOs are not looking for work slaves. No, just employees who are dedicated, who are willing to give the company a value at least that of the compensation they receive.

How Parenting Impacts Career Success

And where will these young workers acquire this willingness, this work ethic, this lack of entitlement, these communications skills? School? No, thatā€™s not the job of educators.

If kids donā€™t get these qualities at HOMEā€”from their parentsā€”theyā€™re very unlikely to ever get them.

Without these personal qualities being taught at home, these kids donā€™t do well in school, and they donā€™t find jobs that lead to advancement and diversification in their careers. 

They come to a halt, underemployed and incapable of doing anything about it. Emotional preparedness is strongly correlated with success at work and everywhere else. 

What YOU teach your children right now, whether theyā€™re 12 months old or 16 years old, will determine their success in their adult lives more than any other factorā€”by far. 

And Iā€™m not just talking about career success.

Children who are taught to be responsible, and to be loving, experience FAR greater success in their personal happiness, their relationships, their parenting, and everything else.

The greatest single thing you will ever do in life is to surround your child with unconditional love, after which you can teach all the other qualities and skills Iā€™ve talked about.

As usual, itā€™s all about unconditional love. With children, itā€™s all about the parents.

Learn how to be a parent who loves and teaches at

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About the author 

Greg Baer, M.D.

I am the founder of The Real LoveĀ® Company, Inc, a non-profit organization. Following the sale of my successful ophthalmology practice I have dedicated the past 25 years to teaching people a remarkable process that replaces all of life's "crazy" with peace, confidence and meaning in various aspects of their personal lives, including parenting, marriages, the workplace and more.

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