
By Greg Baer M.D.

May 9, 2007

Once there was a village nestled at the base of a range of rugged mountains. For generations the people had kept to their farms in the valley, perhaps because they enjoyed such an abundance of water, good soil, and other natural resources there.

One day, however, a few villagers wandered a short distance up into the foothills of the mountains, and they were astonished at the beautiful view. Never before had they seen the river, the forests, the fields, the orchards, and their homes from such a perspective.

When they returned to the village and shared their experiences, people were fascinated and began to make their own journeys into the foothills and then higher into the mountains. As they climbed, the benefits unfolded. The views became more varied and beautiful. The climbers became more physically fit. As they climbed together, they learned to cooperate more with each other. The higher they climbed, the more possibilities for development they could see in the valley.

Not everyone, however, found climbing to be an exhilarating and beneficial experience. One man, Vic, thought the whole ā€œclimbing thingā€ was a bit ridiculous. Nobody had ever climbed before, he thought, so why should they start now?

Nevertheless, one day when a group of his friends invited him on a climb, he said, ā€œOh, all right, Iā€™ll go.ā€

After twenty minutes of walking, Vic stopped and asked, ā€œHow long does this take?ā€

ā€œWeā€™ll be in the foothills in a couple of hours,ā€ Colleen said, ā€œand in the mountains a couple of hours after that.ā€

Vic rolled his eyes and sighed. ā€œIt sure seems like a lot of work to me.ā€

ā€œWe told you before we left how long it would take, remember?ā€ asked Michael.

ā€œI just donā€™t see why youā€™d waste all this time and effort,ā€ said Vic.

ā€œDo you want to go back?ā€ asked Cheryl.

Vic sighed again. ā€œOh, I guess Iā€™ll keep going. What else can I do now?ā€

The group continued their walk, and twenty minutes later Vic stopped and said, ā€œIt sure seems like a long way.ā€

ā€œWeā€™re twenty minutes farther along than the last time you mentioned that,ā€ said David, ā€œbut I think youā€™ll find that itā€™s worth it. Itā€™s great exercise, we enjoy ourselves, and the view on the mountain is unbelievable.ā€

ā€œI just donā€™t see what youā€™re talking about,ā€ said Vic.

ā€œI agree,ā€ said David. ā€œFrom here you donā€™t, but up there you will.ā€

The group continued walking, but twenty minutes later Vic stopped and said, ā€œThis is too much work.ā€

ā€œWe thought it was a lot of work at first too,ā€ said Colleen, ā€œbut now we enjoy it. These climbs have changed our whole lives, in fact.ā€

ā€œI just donā€™t get it, and I donā€™t have to do it,ā€ said Vic.

ā€œNo, you really donā€™t,ā€ said Michael. ā€œYou do not have to continue the climb.ā€

ā€œFinally,ā€ said Vic, ā€œsome good sense. Letā€™s go back and have some dinner.ā€

ā€œYouā€™re welcome to do that,ā€ said Michael.

ā€œWhat do you mean, Iā€™m welcome to do that? Are you saying that youā€™d leave me?ā€

ā€œNot at all,ā€ said Cheryl. ā€œThis morning we all agreed that weā€™d be climbing into the mountains all day, possibly for a couple of days. You agreed to that also. We will be continuing the climb ā€” thatā€™s why weā€™re here ā€” but we will certainly not force you to do that. You can choose to do whatever you wish.ā€

ā€œSo youā€™ll leave me?ā€

ā€œNo, weā€™ll be continuing the climb as we had all planned. If you go back home, you will actually be leaving us, but thatā€™s all right. You have a right to do that. Weā€™ll be fine.ā€

Vic was furious and stomped back home, where he sulked for several days, speaking to no one.

Climbing the mountains became quite a pastime for the villagers. With their new perspectives, they began working on projects all over the valley, doing things that never would have occurred to them before. People traveled more. New industries developed. People cooperated more and became happier.

Except for Vic, who stayed at home and complained. About everything. He complained that nobody ever came to see him, that nobody involved him in their new projects or industries, and that people seemed to be going somewhere without him all the time. Occasionally, a friend invited him on a climb, but he always refused, claiming that it was too hot or too cold or too far or too something.

Eventually, the face of the valley changed significantly. Farming, industry, and trade were transformed, and in the process Vicā€™s old ways of doing things became outmoded, and he complained bitterly about what had been taken from him and about what ā€œthose peopleā€ had done to him. He complained until the day he died, alone and bitter.

As with Vic, we always have a choice. We can choose to climb higher, learn more, love better, and become happier, or we can choose to act like Vic ā€” like victims. We can complain, make excuses, blame other people, and whine, but if we continue in that course, weā€™ll only destroy ourselves. We have opportunities every day to choose between victimhood and happiness. May we be wise enough to see these choices and make the wiser ones.


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