One day I was riding with Sydney, my granddaughter, on our ATV through the backwoods of Georgia, when we came to a railroad track. Rarely willing to miss an opportunity to do something stupid, I rode up on to the space between the rails and continued to ride down the track—all the while alert to the possible sound of an oncoming train.
At one point we came to a place where a side track diverged from the main path, so we stopped to examine it. I showed Sydney how a single mechanical switch—with a long and heavy lever arm—could divert the direction of a train that might weigh as much as thirty million pounds. That’s an impressive effect for so small an effort.
The inertia of our lives—past experience, choices, beliefs, and judgments—can feel very much like thirty million pounds. And yet we can change the direction of that train by moving a single switch: trust. If we are willing to genuinely trust that there is a happier way to live, which means making different choices, we can leave the old path and move in directions that otherwise we could never have imagined.