As I was talking to a man about Real Love and its effects, he expressed many doubts. He'd never seen it. He didn't believe it existed. How could it be what I described? His objections were many, but he didn't say a single word about what he was learning, or what might be possible, or how his life might change as a result of a radically different perspective.
In short, he was highly skeptical of this new concept, which is a completely understandable response.
"You're lazy and irresponsible," I said.
Obviously offended, he said, "What do you mean?"
"You haven't actually listened to a word I've said. True listening requires a willingness to learn. You haven't asked how you could find Real Love and apply it to your personal life and relationships. That would require faith and effort. Instead you've just repeated--over and over, in various ways—'I don't believe it.' That doesn't take any effort at all—it's lazy. You're taking no responsibility for actually investigating what I'm saying. Remember, you are the one who said his life was miserable, and you asked me for advice."
I see this attitude quite commonly. I completely understand the basis for skepticism—Real Love is hardly to be found on every street corner—but if our lives aren't working we have the responsibility to investigate anything that has a remote possibility of success. Simply being skeptical is lazy and irresponsible.
Columbus said the world was round and claimed that if he sailed west from Spain, he would find land. The skeptics—never a lack of them in any age—said he was wrong and even foolish. Had they investigated his claim? Performed scientific experiments? Sailed west? No, they were just skeptical. Being doubtful is so easy, because you don't have to prove anything--just doubt and require proof from others. How many years, for example, had "the world is flat" been accepted as true simply because nobody could prove otherwise?
But Columbus did sail west, despite the skeptics. At one point, he calculated that if they sailed any farther, they would not have the food and water required to return to Spain, so there was quite a heated debate among the crew about whether to continue. The skeptics were animated, but Columbus continued, and the maps of the world were changed forever.
Real Love exists, and if we apply the principles, we will always be happier. Always. But if we're skeptical—if we do nothing because we "don't believe"—we will never find the love and happiness we need. And for us the world will continue to be flat.