Learning a New Serve

By Greg Baer M.D.

October 26, 2022

Marilyn wrote to me: ā€œI was introduced to Real Love several months ago, and the hardest thing for me has been the Law of Expectations. Iā€™m learning how frequently I expect things of people in my lifeā€”my adult children, my coworkers, my friendsā€”and how painful it has been for me when they choose to do whatever they want, when I have no control over them or their choices.ā€

We have a lot of expectations only because we have a lot of pain and emptiness that weā€™ve never addressed. When we're filled with love, we don't need to demand it from any one person.

Marilyn: ā€œIt has been very difficult not to expect certain behaviors of people after all I've done for them, or because I really need something, or whatever. But Iā€™m beginning to learn that when I am able to let go of expectations, it is so freeing, and Iā€™m so much happier. Iā€™m a tennis player and recently thought about an analogy that applies to the Law of Expectations.

ā€œMy old serve has worked for years, in that I usually get it over the net and into the service box, but itā€™s a dinky little serve and easily returned. And itā€™s really hard on my elbow, so I have pain after a tournament. My tennis coach has been helping me learn a new serve. Itā€™s awkward, because Iā€™m used to the old one, but Iā€™m beginning to get it right. Itā€™s faster, more accurate, and doesnā€™t hurt my elbow. This new serve is definitely better, but itā€™s taking a lot of time and effort. When Iā€™m tired or fearful, I fall back into my old serve, but then my game suffers, as does my elbow.

ā€œI think that practicing Real Loveā€”and the Law of Expectationā€”will be like learning my new serve. When I work at it, giving it time and conscious effort, Real Love works much, much better than anything else Iā€™ve ever done, but when I'm frustrated or fearful, I tend to revert back to the old way, and then feel my life doesnā€™t work very well. I know that with time and practice and experience with the rewards of Real Love, my tendency to go back to the old way of dealing with people will be greatly decreased. The new, better way will replace the old, ineffective way, like with my new serve, and Iā€™ll be so much happier.ā€

Marilyn describes this well. Learning a new way of living after decades of immersion in something else is no small task. But itā€™s possible, and itā€™s so worth it. Anything founded on something other than Real Love isnā€™t worth doing, so we need to get busy creating that new foundationā€”that new serveā€”right now.

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About the author 

Greg Baer, M.D.

I am the founder of The Real LoveĀ® Company, Inc, a non-profit organization. Following the sale of my successful ophthalmology practice I have dedicated the past 25 years to teaching people a remarkable process that replaces all of life's "crazy" with peace, confidence and meaning in various aspects of their personal lives, including parenting, marriages, the workplace and more.

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