It’s Time to Quit: Break Free and Live Your Best Life

By Greg Baer M.D.

May 14, 2024

Somebody recently sent me a Facebook post by somebody famousā€”but unknown to meā€”named Prince Ea. Ordinarily, I donā€™t read or watch them, but somehow I did watch this video. It was intriguingly insightful:

Prince Ea, "I Quit"

If youā€™re a readerā€”like myselfā€”rather than learning by listening, following are the lyrics:

ā€œThis is gonna make a lot of people sad
And probably some happy
But I can't worry about that now
I quit

Call me a quitter
I don't care
I just can't do this anymore
I've changed
You're not to blame
I'm just not the same person you knew before
So, not to be rude at all
But Iā€™m done trying to live up to your expectations
And down to them
Basically I quit being bound to them
I quit following everyone's opinions of what is right for me
I quit holding myself back
Living emotionally trapped
And not being who I'd like to be
I quit being loyal to these negative thoughts that have never been useful
I quit letting the guilt of my past get in my path
And deprive me of a beautiful future

ā€œI quit letting people, who have proven that they don't really care about me, get to me
I quit hanging out with friends who of most days I couldn't tell if they're friends
Or enemies draining my energy
I quit letting society's expectations and timetables pressure me, direct my destiny and stress me
I quit forgiving everyone else in the whole world except me

ā€œI quit wanting the cool kids to accept me
I quit not saying what's on my mind
And in important times letting fear come near and suppress me
I quit being so emotionally tired to the likes and shares of people I barely know online
I quit self-doubt and self-sabotage
I quit being a screw-up and a ā€˜gonna-doerā€™
I quit sleepwalking through life instead of living my dreams
I quit waiting for ducks to line up instead of spreading my wings
I quit not giving 100%
I quit dimming my light so that others won't have to squint
I quit peer-pressure in people-pleasing
I quit the prison of perfection
I quit the fear of failure and the fear of success
I quit hesitation and desperation, expectations, devastations
I quit

ā€œAnd know why I don't have a two weeks notice
So I accept this as my letter of resignation
I know it seems sudden
But trust me it has been a long time coming
But now my time here is up

ā€œOh, but donā€™t worry
I'm grateful for the experience
And I have an amazing new life lined up
I quitā€

The world is quickly spiraling into a pandemic of selfishness and victimhood, but it's also motivating some people to rise above all that and shout that something is wrong with this trend. Bless such people of courage.

What are you willing to quit?
Quit being afraid?
Quit being alone?
Quit hiding who you really are?
Quit making excuses for not moving forward toward real joy?
Quit blaming other people for how you feel?
Quit using your pain as an excuse for not being loving?
Quit finding reasons to do nothing?
Quit being angry? Like, really quit?
Quit spending time with people who do nothing but drain you, no matter what they will then think of you?
Quit acting small so people wonā€™t notice you and possibly criticize you?
Quit trying to get people to like you?
Quit worshiping your pain?
Quit being afraid . . . again?
Quit saying, ā€œI canā€™t, I canā€™tā€?
Quit settling for survival instead of peace and unbridled joy?

Real Love and Freedom for the Soul

Replace your anger & confusion with peace and happiness.


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About the author 

Greg Baer, M.D.

I am the founder of The Real LoveĀ® Company, Inc, a non-profit organization. Following the sale of my successful ophthalmology practice I have dedicated the past 25 years to teaching people a remarkable process that replaces all of life's "crazy" with peace, confidence and meaning in various aspects of their personal lives, including parenting, marriages, the workplace and more.

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