Every day I talk to people who believe that they are unlovable. Why do they believe this? Because of the terrible decisions they have made in their lives. With all those mistakes, how could they possibly be lovable?
All over the world, people use manure to fertilize their crops. Manure provides nutrients—nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, among others—that significantly facilitate the growth of plants. Flowers, for example, grow better in soil amended by animal excrement. So if a flower grows from manure, does that mean the flower IS manure? Hardly, and we all know it.
Similarly, we've all made mistakes—many of them—and mostly in response to the pain we feel because of the inability of others to give us the love we needed. From our difficulties, however—from the manure showered down on us by other people and by circumstances—we can actually grow stronger, taller, more beautiful. The finest individuals I've ever known have grown from enormous struggle—from piles of manure.
Don't get confused between the stupid mistakes you've made and who you really are. It's from our foolishness—and from injustices and difficulties—that we learn and grow the most. You are not the manure from which you grow.