Once Again, It Is About Childhood

By Greg Baer M.D.

October 19, 2022

On a great many occasionsā€”in blogs, on video chats, and throughout an entire bookā€”I have talked about how the lack of unconditional love in childhood causes pain and fear that can influence or even determine feelings and behavior for the rest of our lives.

I had a conversation with an older teenager, Miranda, who expressed depression, confusion, and an overall lack of worth and motivation. Without any probing from me, she said, ā€œI remember when I was three, I was with my mother at a social event, but I got separated from her. I tugged on the skirt of one of several women in a group, and called her ā€˜Mommy.ā€™ When the women all laughed, I asked if they knew where my mommy was. They laughed again, and I remember thinking, Iā€™ll never ask another question again. I donā€™t like being laughed at and humiliated.ā€

This young lady had been affected for fifteen years by a single incident where trusted adults laughed at her. A single negative moment had a poisonous effect on a lifetime. Most of us have had hundredsā€”or even thousandsā€”of negative emotional experiences in childhood, but rarely do we remember the specifics of them, as in the one incident described by Miranda.

Itā€™s little wonder that sometimes we struggle with our feelings and choices.


Recover from the lack of unconditional love in your childhood


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About the author 

Greg Baer, M.D.

I am the founder of The Real LoveĀ® Company, Inc, a non-profit organization. Following the sale of my successful ophthalmology practice I have dedicated the past 25 years to teaching people a remarkable process that replaces all of life's "crazy" with peace, confidence and meaning in various aspects of their personal lives, including parenting, marriages, the workplace and more.

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