Changing Baby Diapers

By Greg Baer M.D.

October 24, 2022

In the process of raising five children from babyhoodā€”two arrived later in their early teens from a second marriageā€”I changed thousands of diapers. They were wet, messy, and sometimes smelly and nasty to a degree I would not have thought possible. But I actually enjoyed the task. It was just part of the calling of being a parent. It was a way to love these little children, and because I knew theyā€™d never thank me for doing it, it became a way to love them unconditionally. In time, I scarcely noticed the mess or smell. I was simply grateful that this was a way I could serve them.

With a great many people, interactions can resemble changing a babyā€™s diaper. Talking to some peopleā€”and doing things with themā€”often can be messy and smelly, emotionally speaking. But every experience with another human being is an opportunity to be unconditionally loving, and if I see it with that perspective, the messes and smells soon fade away. Even with difficult people, I can be loving and learn to be more so, and with practice I become more grateful for all these experiences.

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