The Trap of Being Right

By Greg Baer M.D.

September 6, 2024

As a relationship coach, I've witnessed countless couples struggle with the desire to be right at the expense of their connection.

Recently, I had a profound conversation with Allie, whose story beautifully illustrates the transformative power of humility in marriage.

In this article, I'll share Allie's story and the lessons we can all learn about choosing love and understanding over the need to be right.

The Email That Changed Everything

Allie talked about how much the relationship with her husband had changed over the last several months since practicing the principles of Real Love®.

They still argued occasionally, but she was learning to respond differently to him, and it was having a very positive effect on their relationship.

On one recent occasion, they said some unpleasant things to each other, and later in the day he sent her an email describing, in Allie’s words, “all the things she had done wrong in all the years they’d been married.”

Recognizing Our Habitual Responses

You can easily imagine how much venom he poured into the writing of that message, can’t you?

How many times have we done something like that to another person?

How many times have we pounded someone with the mistakes they’ve made, thinking that in the process we might actually change him or her? 

But did it ever?

Can you think of a single occasion where you criticized someone in that manner, and then they responded by changing?

Or by thanking you for pointing out their flaws?

Did you ever feel closer to someone after attacking them like that?

Finding Guidance in Difficult Moments

When Allie read that hateful message, her first inclination was to feel hurt and to defend herself. There certainly seemed to be enough justification for that response.

But before she reacted with her first and natural impulse, she called someone who was experienced in Real Love and asked for some advice.

The wise woman she called suggested that Allie go through every accusation in her husband’s email and admit to whatever was true about the accusation.

Looking for Truth in Criticism

That changed everything. Instead of focusing on how she was right—which would only have made her defensive and angry—she concentrated on admitting how she was wrong, which made her open and humble and teachable.

She discovered that there was a significant element of truth in all the accusations. The conflict was over.

The High Cost of Being Right

In almost every circumstance, we can find ways to justify our being right, but the price is so very high.

When we’re right, we’re defensive, angry, hurtful to others, alone, and unhappy, so we have to ask ourselves, "Is being right worth the cost?"

Conclusion: The Path to Deeper Connection

Or can we make another choice?

We can shift our focus from ourselves to a concern for others. 

We can genuinely listen.

We can admit that we’re wrong.

We can remember that nurturing love is far more important than being right.

The rewards of that approach are beyond measure.

Real Love in Marriage

Stop being right. Find genuine happiness now and forever.


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About the author 

Greg Baer, M.D.

I am the founder of The Real Love® Company, Inc, a non-profit organization. Following the sale of my successful ophthalmology practice I have dedicated the past 25 years to teaching people a remarkable process that replaces all of life's "crazy" with peace, confidence and meaning in various aspects of their personal lives, including parenting, marriages, the workplace and more.

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