The other day I stood in the driveway as I looked out at the backyard. A friend came up behind me and said, “It looks a little like the Garden of Eden probably did, don’t you think?”
“Yes, actually, I do,” I replied. Over a period of thirty years I have planted trees, shrubs, flowers, and groundcover. I’ve hauled tons of rocks, gravel, and dirt. I’ve created stone planters, lawns, fire pits, gazebos, waterfalls, ponds, docks, swings, bridges, and paths. I’ve dug uncounted holes and drainage ditches. Altogether, it’s become quite a sight and fun to play in. It would be unthinkable to go through those gardens with heavy equipment and tear it all up. The beauty created in thirty years could be destroyed in a day or two.
We all have a beauty of spirit that has been created by divine forces beyond the measure of time. We have been gifted with intelligence, creativity, boldness, spiritual sensitivity, tenderness, and more, all for the potential enhancement of our own joy and for the benefit of others. We all have the possibility of beautiful gardens, but when we allow ourselves to indulge in fear, anger, resentment, victimhood, and more, it’s like we run heavy machinery through our garden and eliminate all that is beautiful.
We simply cannot afford to give up our beauty. No one can take it from us unless we allow them in and fail to stop their destructive efforts. You do have what it takes to grow a garden of great beauty. Use it, practice your abilities, and enjoy the magnificent results of your gifts and your work.