Subject: Welcome to the Real Love in Parenting Newsletter! 

This is Greg Baer. I'm so thrilled you either watched the Free First Lesson from my Parenting Training or asked to join my private Parenting Facebook Group!

Portrait of Greg Baer in front of fireplace

Here's what you're going to get — automatically, free to you, right to your inbox:

  • Real Love Parenting Principles. Real people share their parenting problems and how Real Love principles helped them turn strife into success and happiness. After learning and using these principles, you will look around you, at your children, your life and say, "Wow! Why am I so blessed!"
  • Greg's Guidance. If you are tired of hearing about "10 Best Parenting Tips" or advice like “Survive and advance” , “You don't have to love it”, “Transitions are hard” or “Give your kids your undivided attention—or no attention at all” SO AM I. I'm going to show you a much better way.
  • Real Love Moments. Specific examples of how readers and listeners have used Real Love principles to create extraordinary, peaceful, happy families and loving, responsible children. 

If you ever have any questions, send me an email. I receive hundreds of messages every day — and I read every single one. I'd love to help you out.

That's it for now. I'll send you another email soon.

Thanks for reading!

P.S. If you haven't done so already, go to, click the Get Started button, choose your parenting problem, and watch a short video about that problem. At the end of the video, you will be led to a free lesson from The Ridiculously Effective Parenting Training. Get an in-depth look into the GATEWAY behavior that is at the core of all bad behavior and even more actionable advice on how to stop it.

P.P.S. You might like one of our ‘private’ groups where people can practice Real Love principles; Real Love and Real Love in Parenting. This is my personal Facebook Profile

Here are the social sites where you can follow us:
